Some things to consider. module files compiled with
different compilers are not compatible. Therefore
a module built with Cray CCE is not compatible with
a code built with Intel that is trying to use associate
the module or a module built with gcc/gfortran is not
compatible with code compiled with ifort. Therefore, you
need to find out what compiler was used to build netcdf-fortran
and the resulting .mod file. Also, you really need to make sure you have
the path to the netcdf module specified correctly (at
least on Linux/Unix/Mac OSX - I don't do Windows so
I can't speak to that). This means including the path in
a -I entry on the compile line when you invoke the compiler (I believe Intel
also has a -module switch that can tell the compiler where
modules live)
On 08/23/2018 03:49 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
Am 23.08.2018 um 21:05 schrieb Amanda Tritinger:
Hello NetCDF Group,____
__ __
I am trying to compile a code that has the 'use netcdf' in it using the ifort
compiler, but get the following error:____
__ __
*myprogram.for(2): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file.
Check INCLUDE paths. [NETCDF]*____
* use netcdf*____
*compilation aborted for **myprogram.for (code 1)*____
__ __
Loaded on my machine is the cray-netcdf/ <> module (I
got a similar error with an intel version as well). My command looked
like this:____
__ __
*ifort myprogram.for -I/usr/local/netcdf/include *____
__ __
What am I missing? Thank you for your time,____
Amanda Tritinger____
where is the netcdf.mod ?
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