> Has the community ever achieved consensus on a standard translation
> of netcdf-4 to Json? It seems to me that Unidata might usefully serve
> as a repository for such a standard if it exists.
> =Dennis Heimbigner
> ?Unidata
I organized a workshop on JSON in the Geosciences
at ESIP in Tucson, and again at the upcoming AGU.
I can't speak for everyone, though most in attendance
seemed not too unhappy with the standard I proposed
called, imaginatively, NCO-JSON.
ESIP presentation:
ncks --json in.nc
I'm trying to finish the documentation and submit
it as a manuscript before AGU. If/when it achieves
"consensus" I would like to change the name to
something not NCO-specific, e.g., NC-JSON.
Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(