Re: [netcdfgroup] Netcdf to Json standard?...

  • To: Dennis Heimbigner <dmh@xxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: Re: [netcdfgroup] Netcdf to Json standard?...
  • From: Roy Mendelssohn - NOAA Federal <roy.mendelssohn@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2018 11:32:43 -0700
Apologies if this is twice.  original sent from other account,  not certain it 
made it.

Bob Simons asked me to reply with the following,  as he is not on the mail-list:

I like/vote for NCO's .json format
A simple set of rules converts any .nc file into one of these .json files.
These .json files are human readable and machine readable.
I particularly like the lvl=2 "pedantic" format, because it includes 100% of 
the information in the original .nc file, thus allowing for the possibility of 
a round trip (.nc -> .json -> .nc) with no loss of information.


> On Sep 11, 2018, at 8:49 AM, Dennis Heimbigner <dmh@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Has the community ever achieved consensus on a standard translation
> of netcdf-4 to Json? It seems to me that Unidata might usefully serve
> as a repository for such a standard if it exists.
> =Dennis Heimbigner
>  Unidata
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Roy Mendelssohn
Supervisory Operations Research Analyst
Environmental Research Division
Southwest Fisheries Science Center
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