[netcdfgroup] netCDF file close error on Windows Visual Studio 2015


I am running a C application built with netCDF 4.1.3.  I am using 64-bit offset 
files, not HDF5.  I am creating files larger than 2 GB, typically 4GB or 8 GB.

It is working fine on Linux, and on Windows when building with Visual Studio 

When building with Visual Studio 2015 it works fine with files less than 2GB.  
However, when the file size exceeds 2GB I get an error closing the file.  The 
file is actually written fine, and I can process the data for an 8GB file.  
However, because the file is not closed properly I cannot delete the file 
without closing the application.

Is this a known problem, and if so is it fixed in a later release?


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