Hi all,
I have a code compiled with ifort, the intel Fortran compiler. The flags it
uses look like this, though -traceback is probably temporary for debugging:
FCFLAGS = -c -names lowercase -O2 -fp-model strict -fpic -assume byterecl
-mixed-str-len-arg -align sequence -traceback
I've compiled zlib-1.2.8, hdf5-1.8.11, and netcdf-4.1.2* using these FCLAGS
When I run my compiled code I get a Segmentation Fault immediately as the code
calls nf_create(). That's not a particularly complicated subroutine, so I'm
If instead I use extremely minimal flags for zlib, hdf5, and netcdf:
and these flags for the main code:
FCFLAGS = -c -g -traceback -check bounds -align dcommons -extend_source
Then I can compile and run the code, and create a netCDF file using
nf_create(), and add attributes, variables, etc. But the main code behaves
erratically and crashes for other reasons that seem mostly related to indexing
of arrays.
Can someone suggest either a "standard" set of FCFLAGS I should be using for
zlib, hdf5, and netcdf; or a sub-set of the flags above for the main code that
might work with netCDF? The main hint is the immediate SegFault after calling
nf_create(). CFLAGS in both cases is simple, just "-g". Extra hint: using
pgfortran for everything works just fine.
Platform: CentOS 7.4
ifort is the latest (2019) using a trial license.
* I'm very aware that I should be using a newer version of the netcdf libs, but
this version is being used by the code authors. I suspect they like the unified
C and Fortran compilation.