[netcdfgroup] Unrecognized Option --enable-cxx-4 by installing NetCDF-C++


I am trying to install NetCDF on my Ubuntu 18.04. for C++ to use .nc-files in my code for further calculations. Until now, I have installed curl, zlib, hdf 5 and the actual version of NetCDF-C (netcdf-c-4.6.2). I have tested NetCDF-C on an example file (simple_xy_wr.c from https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/examples/programs/) which compiles and runs without any problems.

After that, I wanted to install NetCDF for C++. Therefore, I downloaded the actual library (netcdf-cxx4-4.3.0.) and tried to configure the unpacked library by following command:

./configure --prefix=$fld_install --enable-cxx-4 ($fld_install is my directory where I want to install NetCDF-C++)

Unfortunately, I receive following warning after configuring the library:

configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-cxx-4

The same error occurs by trying –enable-netcdf-4.

After installing the library with the make & make install procedure, I can not compile any C++ code which contains some NetCDF-C++ -Data Structures. I am not able to find any error in my approach and are pretty sure that my paths of NetCDF-C are set correctly. Maybe I got a wrig version combination of NetCDF-C and NetCDF-C++ or forgot something by configuring the libraries.

I would be very thankful for any help or hint of you where I have made a mistake by installing NetCDF-C or NetCDF-C++. Thank you for your help in advance.

With best regards

Markus Klein, M.Sc.

Institute for Aircraft Propulsion
Pfaffenwaldring 6
70569 Stuttgart

Tel.: +49711 685 60463
Fax:  +49 711 685 63505
E-Mail: markus.klein@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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