[netcdfgroup] Global values in the netcdf-c library

In preparation for adding thread support to netcdf-c library,
I am trying to identify all of the global variable and computed constants
used in the library. I took selected symbols from the output of the
'nm libnetcdf.a' command and have converted to the table below.
If you happen to know of any symbols I might have missed, or were
recently added, please let me know.
Note specifically that this includes symbols only from the netcdf source. External
libraries like pnetcdf, hdf5, and hdf4 are not included.
=Dennis Heimbigner

ELF-TAG Symbol                     File Comment
C       dcedebug                   libdap2/dcetab.c bison parser variable
d       yytname                    libdap2/dcetab.c bison parser variable
B       NCD2_dispatch_table        libdap2/ncd2dispatch.c
b       ncd2initialized            libdap2/ncd2dispatch.c
B       NCD4_dispatch_table        libdap4/ncd4dispatch.c
b       ncd4initialized            libdap4/ncd4dispatch.c
b       ncaux_initialized          libdispatch/daux.c
C       NC_coord_one               libdispatch/ddispatch.c
C       NC_coord_zero              libdispatch/ddispatch.c
C       nc_ptrdiffvector1          libdispatch/ddispatch.c
C       nc_sizevector0             libdispatch/ddispatch.c
C       nc_sizevector1             libdispatch/ddispatch.c
C       ncrc_globalstate           libdispatch/drc.c
b       pseudofd                   libdispatch/dfile.c
B       UDF0_dispatch_table        libdispatch/dfile.c
B       UDF0_magic_number          libdispatch/dfile.c
B       UDF1_dispatch_table        libdispatch/dfile.c
B       UDF1_magic_number          libdispatch/dfile.c
B       NC_alignments_computed     libdispatch/doffsets.c
b       set                        libdispatch/doffsets.c
b       vec                        libdispatch/doffsets.c
d       pathdebug                  libdispatch/dwinpath.c
d       default_create_format      libdispatch/nc.c
b       nc_filelist                libdispatch/nclistmgr.c
b       numfiles                   libdispatch/nclistmgr.c
b       nclog_global               libdispatch/nclog.c
b       nclogginginitialized       libdispatch/nclog.c
b       cuErrOpts                  libdispatch/nctime.c
b       cuErrorOccurred            libdispatch/nctime.c
B       HDF5_dispatch_table        libhdf5
d       HDF5_dispatcher            libhdf5/hdf5dispatch.c
B       nc4_hdf5_initialized       libhdf5/hdf5internal.c
b       h5_native_type_constant_g  libhdf5/hdf5open.c
b       globalpropinitialized      libhdf5/nc4info.c
C       globalpropinfo             libhdf5/nc4info.c
b       file_name_counter.9760     libhdf5/nc4memcb.c
B       NC_initialized             liblib/nc_initialize.c
D       NC_finalized               liblib/nc_initialize.c
B       ncerr                      libdispatch/dv2i.c
D       ncopts                     libdispatch/dv2i.c Apparently only used in nctest test programs b       pagesize                   libsrc/memio.c Apparently computed constant b       pagesize                   libsrc/mmapio.c Apparently computed constant
B       NC3_dispatch_table         libsrc/nc3dispatch.c
D       nc_log_level               libsrc4/nc4internal.c
D       nc4_chunk_cache_nelems     libsrc4/nc4internal.c
D       nc4_chunk_cache_preemption libsrc4/nc4internal.c
D       nc4_chunk_cache_size       libsrc4/nc4internal.c
B       dapdebug                   oc2/dapy.c
d       yytname                    oc2/dapy.c
C       ocdebug                    oc2/ocdebug.c
B       ocinitialized              oc2/ocinternal.c
b       xxdr_big_endian            oc2/xxdr.c
C       xxdr_network_order         oc2/xxdr.c

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