Re: [netcdfgroup] storing sparse matrices data in NetCDF

On 2019-03-18 at 13:12 -0700, Sourish Basu <Sourish.Basu@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote...
> In your example dataset, there are five values for the time
> coordinate. However, the values of x, y, lat, lon, and elev do not
> seem to depend on the values of time. Is this true in general for your
> data? If that's true (while still allowing x, y etc. to vary from year
> to year, or file to file), that makes packaging even simpler.

Correct. There are 6 header rows that *never* change: ID, lon,lat, x,y, elev. 
There is 1 index column that is date. Then the data that is a function of 
(ID,date) (or ((lon,lat),date), or ((x,y),date)) does change.


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