[netcdfgroup] write timeseries iterative with modern C++

Dear all,

I am currently involved in evaluating NetCDF for the data analysis of
LISA. Unfortunately it seems not possible to implement a simple
write-scheme of a timeseries with two unlimited dimensions. Though the
C++ API is well documented ("methode-wise") I can not find any similar
usecase in the examples or elsewhere. Is there any chance to get a
conversation with an expert? I am sure that it is just an easy trick
that I have overseen or that I am kind of blind for. Btw the write scheme is 
iterative. The size of the arrays is not known a priori. My write routine get's 
called with one time value and a corresponding data value until the processing 
is over. 

kind regards,


Btw.: I am using:

netcdf library version 4.6.1 of Oct 21 2018 22:39:55

Karsten Wiesner, Research Software Engineer
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
Callinstrasse 38
D-30167 Hannover,  Germany 
Tel: +49-511-762-17152
Fax: +49-511-762-2784
Email: karsten.wiesner@xxxxxxxxxx

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