[netcdfgroup] netCDF format for oceanographic stations with multiple variable dimensions?

Hi Folks-

I am attempting to combine multiple datasets from 4 research cruises around
Greenland in the last 3 years. My initial thought was to make a netCDF file
for each station occupied by the vessel and specify dimensions for each
dataset collected at that station. For example, at a given station we
collected a full-depth CTD profile (depth, temperature, salinity, DO,
fluorescence, turbidity, PAR, etc.) as well as discrete water samples
(nutrients, chlorophyll, TSS, etc. at 5-10 depths), and profiles from other
instruments (Satlantic, SUNA, and others). So my netCDF file has a CTD
dimension, a nutrient dimension, and dimensions for any other profiles.
Before I commit to this I'd like to know if there's an accepted standard
but I haven't been able to find anything. Do any of you know how other
interdisciplinary research cruises have managed their data using netCDF?

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