[netcdfgroup] (no subject)

The PIO team is pleased to release version 2.4.4 of the PIO library. This
release includes new API functions, documentation improvements, bug fixes,
and more tests. Get the latest release from:

See https://ncar.github.io/ParallelIO/ for documentation.
What is PIO?

The Parallel IO libraries (PIO) are high-level parallel I/O C and Fortran
libraries for structured grid applications. PIO provides a netCDF-like API,
and allows users to designate some subset of processors to perform IO.
Computational code calls netCDF-like functions to read and write data, and
PIO uses the IO processors to perform all necessary IO.

PIO also supports the creation of multiple computation components, each
containing many processors, and one shared set of IO processors. The
computational components can perform write operation asynchronously, and
the IO processors will take care of all storage interaction.

See the PIO web site for more information: http://ncar.github.io/ParallelIO/
New This ReleaseName Change for Autotools-Built C Library

Previously, the C library was named libpioc.a in the Cmake build, and
libpio.a in the autotools build. This has been corrected and now both
builds use libpioc.a.
Support for MPE Library

PIO now supports the MPE library, when built with --enable-mpe.
Warning Fixes

The PIO C and Fortran builds now work without warnings for GNU compilers
using -Wall.
Bug fixes

An integer overflow issue was found when writing large mpas datasets on

A bug in the GPTL timer stop routine caused timers to fail and write a lot
of messages to stderr.

A bug in pio_darray.c caused a segfault if using serial netcdf output when
the array size on iotask 0 was smaller than that on other io tasks.
Required Libraries

We recommend always using the latest releases of netCDF and pnetcdf.

This release requires:

   - netcdf-4.6.1 or newer.
   - pnetcdf-1.9.0 or newer (unless PIO is built without pnetcdf support).
   - If netCDF is built with HDF5 support, then HDF5-1.10.4 or newer is
   required. Previous versions of HDF5 have a bug in parallel collective I/O
   which is triggered by a PIO unit test.
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