Dear developers of NETCDF,
I need install NETCDF with Fortran-interface on my WIN10-PC (64-bit) in order
to use NETCDF-routines from Fortran90-codes.
As the first step, I have already installed successfully the NETCDF-C library
for NETCDF-4.7.3 on the Win10-PC.
What is still missing, is the Fortran-interface required to use that NETCDF-C
library from Fortran-codes compiled with the Intel-19.0.5 Ftn-compiler.
I am no specialist for NETCDF nor complicated builds.
As a first step I downloaded the precompiled file netcdf-4.7.3-NC4-64.exe
from your website.
That precompiled file had been created using the "cl" C-compiler built-in in
the VisualStudio2017, which is also present on my PC.
The installation of the precompiled NETCDF-C library was successful:
I was able to compile and run (with the cl-compiler) a simple C-testprogram
delivered by NETCDF, which generated a netcdf-file,
and I was able to view its contents by means of ncdump on the WIN10-PC.
I used in a cmd-window the command:
cl -I"C:\netcdf-4.7.3\include" simple.c
That worked. Fine!
On my Win10-PC the Intel-19.0.5 Fortran compiler is installed.
(It works together with the also installed VisualStudio2017, and for all I know
uses the linker of the cl -compiler built-in in the VisualStudio 2017)
and I need now the NETCDF Fortran-interface for running my Fortran90 codes
compiled with this Intel-Ftn-compiler on my Win10-PC.
That means, I finally need something like
a precompiled binary Ftn-module file netcdf.mod
or the Ftn-sourcecode of the Ftn-module netcdf.f90
or an include-file for the Ftn-code netcdf_Ftn.h
(Side-remark: Microsoft provides for its MPI-10.0 under Windows as the
Fortran-interface for invoking MPI-routines the 2nd kind of file.
I compile it together with my Fortran CFD-source code.)
Can you help me?