[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 4.9.4 alight

The netCDF Operators NCO version 4.9.4 have landed.

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What's new?
Version 4.9.4 contains new features focused on de-interleaving time
coordinates and per-record weighting for ncra, high-freqency (e.g.,
diurnally-resolved) climatologies and new defaults for ncclimo, a
new distance-weight extrapolation algorithm for ncremap, per-file
weights for nces. New NCO-wide features include:  support for
unbuffered I/O that can speed-up I/O for large record variables,
more precise quantization than Bit Grooming, and faster arithmetic
that takes advantage of SIMD directives on OpenMP-enabled builds.
Overall release is packed with interesting new features...read on.

Work on NCO 4.9.5 has commenced and will improve high-freqency
splitting and climo capabilities, more SIMD acceleration, and
more GPU offloading support.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. NCO may now be configured with --enable-gpu at build-time to
   offload certain arithmetically intensive computations to the GPUs
   with select architectures and compilers. This feature currently
   has no speed benefits, and needs a volunteer to lead development.
   Please contact me if interested.

B. All operators now support unbuffered I/O with netCDF3 files when
   invoked with the flag --uio or longer synonyms --unbuffered_io or
   --share_all. This flag invokes the netCDF library NC_SHARE flag
   which enables unbuffered (non-cached) I/O. Unbufferend I/O may
   significantly reduce throughput time when large record variables
   are written or read. Performance improvements may depend on netCDF
   version. Thanks to Barron Henderson for this suggestion.
   ncks       -v T in.nc out.nc # Default, buffered I/O
   ncks --uio -v T in.nc out.nc # Unbuffered I/O
   ncra --uio -v T,Q,U,V in*.nc out.nc

C. The default quantization method has changed from Bit Grooming to
   Bit Rounding, contributed by Rostislav Kouznetsov with suggestions
   from Milan Klower. As implemented, Bit Rounding will substantially
   improve the precision for the specified number of significant
   digits to retain. A future version of NCO will re-tune the number
   of bits per retained digit to turn this precision advantage into
   a compression advantage. An article submitted by R. Kouznetsov to
   GMD describes Bit Rounding more...precisely.

D. The multi-file, multi-record operators, ncra and ncrcat now
   support interleaved time-coordinates in groups of records.
   Interleaving (or de-interleaving, depending on one's perspective)
   means altering the order of records in a group to be processed.
   Specifically, the interleaving feature causes the operator to treat
   as sequential records those that are separated by multiples of the
   specified interleave parameter within a group of records.
   Specify the interleave parameter as the fifth hyperslab argument.
   The interleave feature sequences records with respect to their
   position relative to the beginning of each sub-cycle.
   Records a multiple of interleave from sub-cycle beginning
   are first extracted (by ncrcat) or reduced (by ncra), then records
   offset from these by one, two, et cetera up to interleave-1.
   Thus interleaving allows deconvolution of periodic phenomena within
   a time-series. Some examples to reify the abstract:

   Let in1.nc = [1..10], in2.nc = [11..20], and in12.nc = [1..20].
   ncra -d time,,,,10,5 in1.nc ~/foo.nc # 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 7.5
   ncrcat -d time,0,4,,6,2 in1.nc ~/foo.nc 1, 3, 5, 2, 4, 6 (+WARNING)
   ncrcat -d time,2,,10,4,2 in12.nc ~/foo.nc # 3, 5, 4, 6, 13, 15, 14, 16
   ncra   -d time,2,,10,4,2 in12.nc ~/foo.nc # 4, 5, 14, 15
   ncra -d time,,,,10,2 in1.nc in2.nc ~/foo.nc # 5, 6, 15, 16
   ncra -d time,,,,10,2 in12.nc ~/foo.nc # 5, 6, 15, 16

E. nces now supports the -w (or --wgt) option for per-file weights.
   This option is similar to the ncra --wgt option. The nces version
   also accepts a variable name that contains a scalar per-file-weight.
   Per-file weights are useful when computing statistics of ensembles
   whose members should be weighted unevenly. Hence these three
   commands produce the same answers, though the second and third
   are much more flexible and can have non-integral weights:
   nces   1.nc 2.nc 2.nc out.nc
   nces -w 1,2 1.nc 2.nc out.nc
   nces -w var 1.nc 2.nc out.nc

F. ncra now supports the --per_record_weights (or --prw) option to
   utilize command-line weights specified by -w (or --wgt) for
   per-record weights instead of per-file-weights. This is useful when
   computing weighted averages with cyclically varying weights, since
   the weight given on the command line will be repeated for the
   length of the timeseries. Consider, for example, a CMIP6 timeseries
   of historical monthly mean emissions that one wishes to convert to
   an timeseries of annual-mean emissions. One can weight each month
   by its number of days via:
   ncra --per_record_weights --mro -d time,,,12,12 --wgt \
        31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 ~/monthly.nc ~/annual.nc
   Thanks to Philip Cameron-Smith of LLNL for this suggestion.

G. ncra accepts the new flag --promote_ints (or --prm_ints) to output
   statistics of integer-valued input variables in floating-point
   precision in the output file. By default, NCO arithmetic operators
   such as ncra auto-promote integers to double-precision prior to
   arithmetic, then conduct the arithmetic, then demote the values
   back to integers for final output. This default behavior quantizes
   the mantissa of the values and prevents, e.g., turning statisitical
   means of boolean (0 or 1-valued) input data into floating point
   probabilities. The --promote_ints flag causes the statistical means
   of integer (including NC_BYTE) inputs to be output as
   single-precision floating point (NC_FLOAT) variables. This allows
   use arithmetic to be performed on Boolean values stored in the
   space-conserving NC_BYTE (single byte) format in input files.
   ncra --prm_ints in*.nc out.nc
   Thanks to Paul Ullrich of UC Davis for this suggestion.

H. ncremap understands new dimensions used in DOE E3SM MPAS BGC
   simulations. ncremap also supports the new --pdq_opt to
   override internal presets and to future-proof itself against
   unexpected new dimensions from any model input.
   ncremap -P mpasseaice --map=map.nc in.nc out.nc
   ncremap --pdq='-a Time,new_dim,nCells'  --map=map.nc in.nc out.nc
   ncremap --pdq='-a time,new_dim,lat,lon' --map=map.nc in.nc out.nc
   Thanks to Ahmed Elshall for reporting the new dimensions.

I. ncremap allows access to a new regridding algorithm based on
   distance-weighted extrapolation (DWE). DWE is similar to the ESMF
   nearestidavg extrapolation alorithm, and accepts the same two
   parameters as input: --xtr_xpn sets the (absolute value of) the
   exponent used in distance weighting (default is 2.0), and --xtr_nsp
   sets the number of source points used in the extrapolation (default
   is 8). ncremap can apply DWE to the entire destination grid, or
   just to points with missing/masked values.

   ncremap --alg_typ=nco_dwe -s src.nc -d dst.nc -m map.nc
   ncremap -a nco_dwe --xtr_xpn=1.0 -s src.nc -d dst.nc -m map.nc
   ncremap -a nco_dwe --xtr_nsp=1   -s src.nc -d dst.nc -m map.nc
   Thanks to Henry Butowsky for implementing the new method.

J. The ncks --dt_fmt option now applies equally well to JSON and XML
   output as to CDL output:
   % ncks -d time,0 -v time --cdl --dt_fmt=3 ~/nco/data/in.nc
   time = "1964-03-13T21:09:0.000000" ;
   % ncks -d time,0 -v time --json --dt_fmt=3 ~/nco/data/in.nc
   "data": ["1964-03-13T21:09:0.000000"]
   % ncks -d time,0 -v time --xml --dt_fmt=3 ~/nco/data/in.nc
   <ncml:values separator="*">1964-03-13T21:09:0.000000</ncml:values>

   Thanks to Troy Mare for this suggestion.

K. ncra, nces, and ncrcat introduce the --clm_nfo (or --cb) option to
   produce CF-conformant climatological times and bounds.
   This option takes a comma-separated argument list of five relevant
   input parameters: --cb=yr_srt,yr_end,mth_srt,mth_end,tpd,
   where yr_srt is the climatology start-year, yr_end is the
   climatology end-year, mth_srt is the climatology start-month (in
   [1..12] format), mth_end is the climatology end-month (in [1..12]
   format), and tpd is the number of timestpes per day (with the
   special exception that tpd=0 indicates monthly data, not
   diurnally-resolved data. A seasonal summer climatology created from
   monthly mean input data spanning June, 2000 to August, 2020 should
   call ncra with --clm_bnd=2000,2020,6,8,0, whereas a diurnally
   resolved climatology of the same period with 6-hourly input data
   resolution would use --clm_bnd=2000,2020,6,8,4.
   ncra --cb=2014,2016,1,1,0 2014_01.nc 2015_01.nc 2016_01.nc clm_JAN.nc

L. ncclimo has changed default settings for two parameters.
   As of this verion, ncclimo sets the options "-a sdd
   --no_amwg_links" by default. For seasonally contiguous DJF climos
   one must now explicitly set "-a scd". To create symbolic links
   to climatology files with AMWG names, one must now explicitly
   request --amwg_links.

M. ncclimo now supports the high-frequency climos and splitting.
   Access these capabilities by specifying the climatology-mode
   options hfc and hfs, respectively. In both cases (climos and
   splitting) the input file(s) name will not be constructed
   automatically and must be provided via stdin, positional
   command-line arguments, or a director to glob. For climos,
   ncclimo will detect the number of timesteps per day (tpd) in the
   input data, and compute the climatological mean diurnal cycle
   from the input data. The output is similar to monthly climos,
   except each climatological monthly, seasonal, or annual output
   file will contain tpd timesteps to represent the diurnal cycle.

   # Split high-frequency timeseries into CMIP-like timeseries
   cd ${drc_in};ls ${caseid}*.h4.nc | ncclimo --clm_md=hfs -v=T \
     --ypf=1 --yr_srt=56 --yr_end=76 --drc_out=${HOME}
   # Generate diurnal climos from high-frequency CMIP6 timeseries
   cd ${drc_in};ls ${caseid}*.h4.nc | ncclimo --clm_md=hfc
     -c ${caseid} --yr_srt=2001 --yr_end=2002 --drc_out=${HOME}

N. ncclimo now outputs more CF-conformant climatological times and
   bounds for all climatologies. Previously, ncclimo output a
   time-centered value for climatological bounds, now it outputs
   an initial YYYYMMDD format, as recommended by CF examples such as

   Example 7.13


A. ncremap/ncks: Fix vertical interpolation from hybrid-to-hybrid
   files when surface pressure is in vertical grid file.
   This capability worked up to 4.9.1, and was inadvertently broken in
   4.9.2 and 4.9.3. The workaround is to use 4.9.1, or move
   the desired PS field from the gridfile to the input file.
   The solution is to upgrade. Thanks to Wuyin Lin for reporting.

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE

Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(

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