Re: [netcdfgroup] How convert csv files to a netcdf file

On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:30 PM Gus Correa <gus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This is probably much easier to do using a higher level generic tool such
> as NCL,
> than writing a file-specific program in C, Fortran, Python, whatever,
> using the NetCDF API.

There is a huge difference between, say, C or Fortran and Python (Or, I
presume, R).

Taking a quick look at your NCL documentation link, using Python with the
netCDF4 lib would be similarly difficult, and uding xarray would be easier.

It all depends what you are familiar with.


> NCL documentation includes examples on how to read CSV files:
> and how to write NetCDF files:
> For atmosphere/ocean/climate/weather data there hardly anything better
> than NCL:
> If you run into problems, their mailing list is active and very helpful:
> I hope this helps,
> Gus Correa
> On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:58 PM nazaniti6 <nazitkk1375@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have six CSV files which I have sent in this link
>> (
>> ).
>> If you open them you will understand that each of these files has 720 rows
>> and 360 columns which indicates longitude and latitude respectively. I
>> should tell you that the first point of latitude is -89.75, the first
>> point
>> of longitude is -179.75, and the resolution of these data is 0.5 degrees.
>> I
>> want to convert them to a NetCDF file which has the following properties:
>> Dimensions:
>> longitude = 720
>> latitude = 360
>> time = 6
>> Variables:
>> longitude
>> Size: 720x1
>> Dimensions: longitude
>> Datatype: single
>> Attributes:
>> long_name = 'longitude'
>> units = 'degrees_east'
>> latitude
>> Size: 360x1
>> Dimensions: latitude
>> Datatype: single
>> Attributes:
>> long_name = 'latitude'
>> units = 'degrees_north'
>> time
>> Size: 6x1
>> Dimensions: time
>> Datatype: single
>> Attributes:
>> long_name = 'time'
>> units = 'days since 1900-1-1'
>> calendar = 'gregorian'
>> tmp
>> Size: 720x360x6
>> Dimensions: longitude, latitude,time
>> Datatype: single
>> Attributes:
>> long_name = 'monthly mean temperature'
>> units = 'degrees Celsius'
>> correlation_decay_distance = 1200
>> _FillValue = 9.969209968386869e+36
>> missing_value = 9.969209968386869e+36
>> Could you please help me?
>> --
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