[netcdfgroup] conversion latlon to united states in netcdf file

Hi all,

My name is Steppe and I am writing my master thesis about the impact of
climate change on wildfires in the United States. I downloaded some General
Circulation Models (GCM's) from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project
Phase 5 (CMIP5) , which are NetCDF files. I used R to open the data and
found Panoply and good format to visualize the data. Now, I'm looking for a
NetCDF tool which can convert latlon to states in the United States (maybe
just take the mean of all latlons in a state)?

In the end, I want for all states in the United States one precipitation /
maximum temperature value per timestamp (months).

It would be great and much appreciated if someone can help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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