I will take a look at that test in netcdf-fortran...
I guess we all should have collaborated more and agreed to a common
configure option name for the plugin path. :-(
Now that the quantize and zstandard are in netcdf-c/netcdf-fortran, CCR
does not have anything additional to offer at this time. (But BLOSC is
coming for CCR...)
WRT zstandard, here's a chart from a recent AGU presentation:
Quantization and Next-Generation Zlib Compression for Fully
Backward-Compatible, Faster, and More Effective Data Compression in NetCDF
[image: image.png]
On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 2:20 PM Thompson, Matt (GSFC-610.1)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS
AND APPLICATIONS INC] <matthew.thompson@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Ed,
> Well, I suppose it was inevitable and I haven't made a massive change in
> GEOS' build system in a while...
> I went back to my last attempt to build CCR (someday I'll get it
> working!), and I think I need to add:
> 1. HDF5: --with-default-plugindir=$(HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH)
> 2. netCDF-C: --with-plugin-dir=$(HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH)
> 3. NCO: --with-hdf5-plugin-path=$(HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH)
> I suppose I should ask Charlie Zender about the last one...but it seems
> right.
> Now for some reason I can't get the "make check" step for netCDF-fortran
> to recognize HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH, so the zstandard tests fail...but I can run
> them by hand. Not sure if it's on my end or I'm not passing things down
> right to the check step? :shrug:
> Now onto testing it. Be prepared for questions like "What are good values
> to set zstandard_level and quantizing and ...". (Well, first I'll go read
> your papers and the tests in the code, but then I'll probably annoy you :D )
> Matt
> --
> Matt Thompson, SSAI, Ld Scientific Programmer/Analyst
> NASA GSFC, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
> Code 610.1, 8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20771
> Phone: 301-614-6712 Fax: 301-614-6246
> *http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/bio/matthew.thompson
> <http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/bio/matthew.thompson>*
> *From: *Ed Hartnett <edwardjameshartnett@xxxxxxxxx>
> *Date: *Tuesday, August 2, 2022 at 1:03 PM
> <matthew.thompson@xxxxxxxx>
> *Cc: *"netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] Re: [netcdfgroup] Can I build zstandard support in
> netCDF with a static build?
> Howdy Matt!
> For zstandard, and other filter features, you must build and use shared
> libraries.
> Also you need to build netcdf-c with --with-plugins=/some/path and then
> set environment variable HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH to /some/path before you build
> netcdf-fortran (or use any program with the zstandard filter).
> Ed
> On Tue, Aug 2, 2022 at 10:57 AM Thompson, Matt (GSFC-610.1)[SCIENCE
> netcdfgroup@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> All,
> I recently grabbed netCDF-C v4.9.0 and netCDF-Fortran v4.6.0 and thought,
> heck, let's try to get zstd support as well! zstd built just fine and when
> I built netCDF-C it seemed pretty happy:
> ZSTD Support: yes
> but then when I tried to build netCDF-Fortran:
> configure: WARNING: ------------------------------------------
> configure: WARNING: libnetcdf was built with zstd support, but
> HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH is not set.
> Either set the HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH environmental variable if zstandard
> tests fail,
> or use --disable-zstandard-plugin when running configure.
> configure: WARNING: ------------------------------------------
> Okay. New to me. I then went back to the netCDF-C build and saw:
> checking whether dynamically loaded plugins is enabled... yes
> configure: WARNING: --disable-shared => --disable-plugins
> ...
> checking whether and where we should install plugins... no
> ...
> Plugin Install Prefix: N.A.
> Seeing that warning reminded me I build netCDF-C and netCDF-Fortran as a
> static library mainly for historical reasons (was static in the past and,
> well, if it works, don't mess with it unless you need to!)
> So I suppose the question is: Can I use zstd with a static build of netCDF?
> Or is it time to bite the bullet and reconfigure my software to use shared
> libraries...
> Matt
> --
> Matt Thompson, SSAI, Ld Scientific Programmer/Analyst
> NASA GSFC, Global Modeling and Assimilation Office
> Code 610.1, 8800 Greenbelt Rd, Greenbelt, MD 20771
> Phone: 301-614-6712 Fax: 301-614-6246
> *http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/bio/matthew.thompson
> <http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/sed/bio/matthew.thompson>*
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