[netcdfgroup] better and faster compression are available in the new releases of netCDF C and Fortran libraries


The most recent releases of netcdf-c and netcdf-fortran support two new
compression features which will be very helpful at exascale:

* quantization - specify a number of significant digits for an NC_FLOAT or
NC_DOUBLE variable - excess bits are zeroed out, make compression much more
* zstandard compression - similar to zlib, but faster and better, zstandard
can now be used instead of deflate.

For more info on quantization see EGU extended abstract: "Adding
Quantization to the NetCDF C and Fortran Libraries to Enable Lossy

To use zstandard compression, call function nc_def_var_zstandard()

To use quantization, call function nc_def_var_quantize()

Let me know if you need help.

Keep on NetCDFing!

Ed Hartnett
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