netCDF Operators NCO version 5.1.1 lunge forward (Homepage, Mailing lists, Help) (Source Code, Issues, Releases, Developers)
What's new?
Version 5.1.1 add features for NCZarr, regridding, and interpolation.
All operators now support NCZarr I/O and input filenames via stdin.
ncremap supports two new vertical extrapolation methods, 1D files, and
allows flexible masking based on external fields such sub-gridscale
extent. ncclimo outputs regional averages.
Numerous minor fixes improve codec support and regridding control.
All users are encouraged to upgrade to this feature-rich release.
Work on NCO 5.1.2 has commenced and aims to add support for Zarr S3
stores and to polish support for new codecs.
NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):
A. All operators now support specifying input files via stdin.
This capability was implemented with NCZarr in mind, though it can
also be used with traditional POSIX files. The ncap2, ncks, ncrename,
and ncatted operators accept one or two filenames as positional
arguments. If the input file is provided via stdin, then the output
file, if any, must be specified with -o so the operators know whether
to check stdin. Multi-file operators (ncra, ncrcat, ncecat) will
continue to identify the last positional argument as the output
file unless -o is used. The best best practice is to use -o fl_out to
specify output filenames when stdin is used for input filenames:
echo | ncks
echo | ncks -o
echo "" | ncbo -o
echo "" | ncflint -o
B. All NCO operators support NCZarr I/O. This support is currently
limited to the "file://" scheme. Support for the S3 scheme is next.
All NCO commands should work as expected independent of the back-end
storage format of the I/O. Operators can ingest and output POSIX,
Zarr, or a mixture of these two file formats.
ncks ${in_ncz} # Print contents of Zarr file
ncks -O -v var ${in_psx} ${out_psx} # POSIX input to POSIX output
ncks -O -v var ${in_psx} ${out_ncz} # POSIX input to Zarr output
ncks -O -v var ${in_ncz} ${out_psx} # Zarr input to POSIX output
ncks -O -v var ${in_ncz} ${out_ncz} # Zarr input to Zarr output
ncks -O --cmp='gbr|shf|zst' ${in_psx} ${out_ncz} # Quantize/Compress
ncks -O --cmp='gbr|shf|zst' ${in_ncz} ${out_ncz} # Quantize/Compress
Commands with Zarr I/O behave mostly as expected. NCO treats
Zarr and POSIX files identically once they are "opened" via the
netCDF API. Hence the main difference between Zarr and POSIX,
from the viewpoint of NCO, is in handling the filenames. By default
NCO performs operations in temporary files that it moves to a final
destination once the rest of the command succeeds. Supporting Zarr in
NCO means applying the correct procedures to create, copy,
move/rename, and delete files and directories correctly depending on
the backend format.
Many NCO users rely on POSIX filename globbing for multi-file
operations, e.g., 'ncra in*.nc'. POSIX globbing returns
matches in POSIX format (e.g., '') which lacks the
"scheme://" indicator and the "#mode=..." fragment that the netCDF API
needs to open a Zarr store. There is no perfect solution to this.
A partial solution is available by judiciously using NCO's new stdin
capabilities for all operators. The procedure relies on using the 'ls'
command (instead of globbing) to identify the desired Zarr stores, and
piping the (POSIX-style) results of that through the newly supplied
NCO filter-script that will prepend the desired scheme and append the
desired fragment to the matched Zarr stores, and pipe those results to
the NCO operator:
ncra in*.nc # POSIX input files via globbing
ls in*.nc | ncra # POSIX input files via stdin
ls in*.nc | ncz2psx | ncra # Zarr input via stdin
ls in*.nc | ncz2psx --scheme=file --mode=nczarr,file | ncra
Thanks to Dennis Heimbigner of Unidata for implementing NCZarr.
C. The --glb_avg switch causes the splitter to output global-mean
timeseries files. That has been true since 2019. This switch now
causes the splitter to output three horizontally spatially averaged
timeseries. First is the global average (as before), next is the
northern hemisphere average, followed by the southern hemisphere
average. The three timeseries are now saved in a two-dimensional (time
by region) array with a "region dimension" named rgn. Region names are
stored in the variable named region_name:
ncclimo --split --rgn_avg # Produce regional and global averages
ncclimo --split --glb_avg # Same (deprecated switch name)
Thanks to Chris Golaz of LLNL for suggesting this feature.
D. ncremap has long been able to re-normalize and/or mask-out fields
in partially unmapped destination gridcells. The --rnr_thr option
set the threshold value for valid cell coverage. However, the
implementation considered only the fraction of each gridcell left
unmapped due to explicit missing values (i.e., _FillValue). Now the
implementation can also mask by the value of a specified sub-gridscale
(SGS) variable, e.g., landfrac. The --add_fll switch now sets to
_FillValue any gridcell whose sgs_frc < rnr_thr. The --add_fll switch
is currently opt-in, except for datasets produced by MPAS and
identifed as such by the -P option. The new --no_add_fll overrides
and turns off any automatic --add_fll behavior:
ncremap ... # No renormalization/masking
ncremap --rnr=0.1 ... # Mask cells missing > 10%
ncremap --rnr=0.1 --sgs_frc=sgs ... # Mask missing > 10%
ncremap --rnr=0.1 --sgs_frc=sgs --add_fll ... # Mask missing > 90% or
sgs < 10%
ncremap -P mpas... # --add_fll implicit, mask where sgs=0.0
ncremap -P mpas... --no_add_fll # --add_fll explicitly turned-off, no
ncremap -P mpas... --rnr=0.1 # Mask missing > 90% or sgs < 10%
ncremap -P elm... # --add_fll not implicit, no masking
Thanks to Jill Zhang of LLNL for suggesting this capability.
E. The map checker diagnoses from the global attributes map_method,
no_conserve, or noconserve (if present) whether the mapping weights
are intended to be conservative (as opposed to, e.g., bilinear).
Weights deemed non-conservative by design are no longer flagged
with dire WARNING messages. Thanks to Mark Taylor of SNL for this
ncks --chk_map
F. ncremap vertical interpolation supports two new extrapolation
methods: linear and zero. Linear extrapolation does exactly what
you think: Values outside the input domain are linearly extrapolated
from the nearest two values inside the input domain. Invoke this with
--vrt_xtr=lnr or --vrt_xtr=linear. Zero extrapolation sets values
outside the extrapoloation domain to 0.0. Invoke this with
ncremap --vrt_xtr=zero
ncremap --vrt_xtr=linear
ncks --rgr xtr_mth=linear
ncks --rgr xtr_mth=zero
G. All numerical operators offer robust support for Blosc codecs
when linked to netCDF 4.9.1+. This includes Blosc Zstandard, LZ, LZ4,
and Zlib. Thanks to Dennis Heimbigner of Unidata for upstream fixes.
A. NCO 5.1.0 could spew numerous and redundant diagnostic messages
about missing codecs. 5.1.1 quiets these messages.
B. If linked to netCDF 4.8.1 or earlier, NCO 5.1.0 could fail to find
standard codecs and therefore die when compression was requested.
The workarounds with 5.1.0 are to downgrade to 5.0.9 or to avoid
compression. The fix is to upgrade.
C. NCO 5.0.5 renamed distance-weighted-extrapolation (DWE) as
inverse-distance-weighting (IDW). Unfortunately the switches to invoke
this in ncremap were not updated. This means that maps intended to be
IDW in 5.0.5-5.1.0 are probably the default monotonic conservative NCO
weights. The workaround with 5.0.5-5.1.0 is to downgrade to 5.0.4.
The fix is to upgrade.
D. Previous versions of ncremap and ncks failed to vertically
interpolate 1-D vertical files (!). Doh! The workaround is to
artificially extend the 1-D file to 2-D. The fix is to upgrade.
Full release statement at
Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(