[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 5.1.4 are ready to smite evil

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What's new?
Version 5.1.4 introduces vertical interpolation for datasets stored
on depth/height grids, such as ocean data. The interpolation works
on all datasets tested with vertical levels that are either
horizontally varying (e.g., MPAS-Ocean, POP, MOM) or uniform (many
observational datasets including ARGO, SOSE, WOA18).
The algorithms play well with horizontally varying bathymetry.
This release also fixes a vexing issue that can occur with certain
compilers on AMD hardware. This release can be skipped if these
regridding features are not useful to you.

Work on NCO 5.1.5 has commenced and aims to add support for Zarr S3
stores and to polish support for new codecs.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. ncremap can now vertically interpolate files/fields stored on
depth/height-based vertical grids. The capability is analogous to
the existing ncremap capability of interpolating data on pure-pressure
or hybrid sigma/pressure vertical grids (all four combinations work):
ncremap --vrt_out=vrt_out.nc in.nc out.nc
ncremap --vrt_in=vrt_in.nc --vrt_in=vrt_out.nc in.nc out.nc
ncremap -P mpas --vrt_out=vrt.nc --map=map.nc in.nc out.nc
ncremap --vrt_out=sose.nc mpas.nc out.nc
ncremap --vrt_out=mpas.nc sose.nc out.nc
ncremap --vrt_out=woa18.nc mpas.nc out.nc
ncremap --vrt_out=mpas.nc woa18.nc out.nc
ncremap --vrt_out=argo.nc mpas.nc out.nc
ncremap --vrt_out=mpas.nc argo.nc out.nc
The depth/height grid may be positive upwards or downwards.
This is the first release of vertical interpolation for ocean data,
and we expect some rough edges. Please let us know what features
you want added or fixed.

B. Operators now silently avoid attempting to compress variable-length
datatypes, i.e., variables of type NC_STRING or NC_VLEN. This is
because neither netCDF nor HDF allow compression of these types.
Previously, attempting to compress these types would trigger a netCDF
error. Now the request will be silently ignored and program will
proceed as expected in all other ways.

C. The software stack upon which the Anaconda NCO package depends
has been future-proofed. Specifically the feedstocks for the Antlr2
and NCO packages have been updated to enable building conda-based
packages on newer architectures such as linux-ppc64le, osx-arm64,
and linux-aarch64. Thanks especially to Klaus Zimmerman, Xylar
Asay-Davis, and Filipe Fernandes with this effort, and to Phil
Rasch for spurring the effort in the first place.


A. ncremap versions 5.0.7--5.1.3 can, with certain compiler settings
on AMD hardware, produce (obviously) erroneous regridding results
due to the behavior of OpenMP SIMD pragmas/directives. This is only
known to affect Spack-compiled executables running on compute nodes of
the PNNL Compy cluster. The workaround is to use executables compiled
any other way, or on any other hardware. The fix is to upgrade.
Thanks to Jill Zhang (PNNL) and Xylar Asay-Davis (LANL) for their help
and patience with finding and fixing this bug.

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE
Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(

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