[netcdfgroup] nccopy and changing chunk sizes


I'm seeing an improvement of 10,000 times faster when processing data with "contiguous" storage when compared to "chunked" storage. I would like to change the chunk sizes to see if that is the problem. For that I tried to use nccopy as follows:
nccopy -c time/1,latitude/180,longitude/360 profile_input_threads_cfs/e5.oper.an.sfc.128_137_tcwv.ll025sc.2016010100_2016013123.nc profile_input_threads_comp_chunk/e5.oper.an.sfc.128_137_tcwv.ll025sc.2016010100_2016013123.nc
the command runs successfully, with no error reported, producing the file, but the chunk sizes are not what I said, and they are the same as in the original file. What could be the problem?


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