[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 5.2.2 kangeroo forward

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What's new?
Version 5.2.2 introduces a new operator, ncchecker, that checks
dataset compliance with a small yet growing number of
recommendations. ncclimo no longer omits time_bounds from ELM/CLM
regional averages. No new features are implemented.
Skip this release if these changes are not important to you.

Work on NCO 5.2.3 has commenced and aims to add support for Zarr S3
stores, and to enhance the vertical regridder.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. The new ncchecker command checks netCDF files for compliance with
select best practices rules and recommendations from various data and
metadata standards bodies. These include the Climate & Forecast (CF)
Metadata Conventions and the NASA Dataset Interoperability Working Group
(DIWG) recommendations. Only a small subset (six tests) of CF and
DIWG recommendations are currently supported. The number of tests
implemented, or, equivalently, of recommendations checked, is expected
to grow.

ncchecker in1.nc in2.nc # Run all tests on two files
ncchecker -v var1,var2 in1.nc # Check only two variables
ncchecker *.nc # Glob input files via wildcard
ls *.nc | ncchecker # Input files via stdin
ncchecker --dbg=2 *.nc # Debug ncchecker
ncchecker --tests=nan,mss *.nc # Select only two tests
ncchecker --tests=xtn,tm,nan,mss,chr,bnd *.nc # Change test ordering
ncchecker file:///Users/zender/in_zarr4#mode=nczarr,file # Check Zarr object(s)

The output contains counts of the location and number of failed tests,
or prints "SUCCESS" for tests with no failures.


A. ncclimo fixes an error where it omitted the time_bounds variable
from regional averages of ELM/CLM timeseries. The workaround is to
manually append the variable. The solution is to upgrade.
ncclimo --split --rgn_avg -c $caseid -s 2000 -e 2024 ...

B. ncremap fixes an error where it used the wrong option to
mbtempest to invoke monotonicity. Instead of "--monotonicity"
it used "--monotonic", which is unknown to mbtempest.
The workaround is to supply the correct option with ncremap
--wgt_opt. The solution is to upgrade. Thanks to Walter Hannah of
LLNL for reporting this mistake.

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE
Charlie Zender, Earth System Sci. & Computer Sci.
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429 )'(

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