[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 5.2.5 crash the gates

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What's new?
Version 5.2.5 fully implements the draft CF lossy metadata convention
for all NCO internal quantization algorithms. It also improves ncclimo
diagnostics and adds a new invocation synonym (--qnt) for
quantization, and outputs a maximum_relative_error statistic
where possible. ncclimo/ncremap add support for MPAS-Atmosphere
datasets, and ncclimo supports excluding variable lists in timeseries
mode. Skip this release if these changes are not important to you.

Work on NCO 5.2.6 has commenced and will add support for Zarr S3
stores, and will enhance the vertical regridder.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. All numeric operators now support --qnt_alg=alg_nm to request an
NCO quantization algorithm by name. Previously one had to use the --baa
option with an obscure undocumented integer code for each algorithm.
Now quantization algorithms can be requested by the English names.
alg_nm can be BitGroom, Granular BitRound, BitShave, BitSet,
DigitRound, BitGroomRound, HalfShave, BruteForce, BitRound or common
synonyms for these names, e.g., set, shave, "bit round", btg, etc.
The names are case-insensitive:
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # Granular BitRound (NSD)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=btg --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # BitGroom (NSD)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=shv --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # BitShave (NSD)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=set --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # BitSet (NSD)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=dgr --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # DigitRound (NSD)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=gbr --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # Granular BitRound (NSD) ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=bgr --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # BitGroomRound (NSD)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=sh2 --qnt default=9 in.nc out.nc # HalfShave (NSB)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=brt --qnt default=3 in.nc out.nc # BruteForce (NSD)
ncks -7 -L 1 --qnt_alg=btr --qnt default=9 in.nc out.nc # BitRound (NSB)
This menagerie arose from research efforts. We recommend that others
choose between BitRound, DigitRound, and Granular BitRound for
real-world workflows. The others are of mainly research or historical
interest only.

B. CF-compliant metadata for quantization now includes maximum
relative error (MRE) for the BitRound algorithm, for which MRE is
0.5*2^-NSB = 2^-(NSB+1). The MRE appears as the attribute
"lossy_compression_maximum_relative_error" in each field's
ncks -7 -v ps,ts --qnt_alg=btr --qnt default=9 --qnt ps=13 --cmp='shf|zst' in.nc out.nc
ncks -m -C -v ps,ts,compression_info out.nc
netcdf out {
    float ps(time,lat,lon) ;
      ps:standard_name = "surface_air_pressure" ;
      ps:units = "Pa" ;
      ps:lossy_compression = "compression_info" ;
      ps:lossy_compression_nsb = 13 ;
      ps:lossy_compression_maximum_relative_error = 6.103516e-05f ;

    float ts(time) ;
      ts:standard_name = "surface_temperature" ;
      ts:units = "K" ;
      ts:lossy_compression = "compression_info" ;
      ts:lossy_compression_nsb = 9 ;
      ts:lossy_compression_maximum_relative_error = 0.0009765625f ;
} // group /

C. ncremap and ncclimo now handle MPAS-A (Atmosphere) datasets.
These operators have always supported MPAS Ocean, Sea-ice, and
Land-Ice (all used by E3SM) datasets. This completes MPAS support.
Use -P mpasa to indicate that datasets follow MPAS-A conventions.
This allow ncremap to automatically permute the spatial dimensions
into the correct order for regridding, and to differentiate itself
from other MPAS datasets in terms of missing value treatment:
ncremap -P mpasa  --map=map.nc mpa.nc foo.nc # MPAS-A
ncremap -P mali   --map=map.nc mpli.nc foo.nc # MPAS-LI
ncremap -P mpaso  --map=map.nc mpo.nc foo.nc # MPAS-O
ncremap -P mpassi --map=map.nc mpsi.nc foo.nc # MPAS-SI

NB: Omitting the -P mpasX option on MPAS datasets works if the user
explicitly permutes the horizontal dimensions, e.g.:
ncremap --pdq=Time,nVertLevels,nIsoLevelsT,nIsoLevelsZ,nCells \
        --map=map.nc mpa.nc foo.nc # MPAS-A
Analogous workarounds apply to the other MPAS componenents when
omitting the -P option, and -P mpas also works for generic MPAS.
However, using -P mpasX results in the best output.
Thanks to Angela Borallo of CGG for prompting this feature.

D. ncclimo now supports excluding the specified variable list
(with -x or --xcl_var or --exclude) in timeseries mode.
Previously this option only worked in climo mode.
However, in timeseries mode this option requires invoking ncclimo
with Bash version 4.0 or higher. NB: This works well across modern
Linux  machines, though MacOS still ships Bash 3.2.57 (from 2007!).
MacOS users must put an updated Bash on their PATH before /bin/bash
to access this features (all other features continue to work fine
with older versions of Bash).
ncclimo --split --exclude -v FSNT,AODVIS,TREFHT \
        -c v2.LR.historical_0101 -s 2013 -e 2014 \
        -i ${DATA}/ne30/raw -o ${DATA}/ne30/clm
Thanks to Koichi Sakaguchi of PNNL for prompting this feature.

E. ncremap now automatically tests whether vertical grid-file has a
level(level) coordinate à la ERA5. If so, it treats this as a pure
pressure coordinate. This is analogous to the treatment of the
plev(plev) coordinate for NCEP files.
ncremap --vrt_out=vrt_prs_era5_L37.nc in.nc out.nc

F. ncclimo updated its MPAS dataset filename construction option.
Previously it constructed MPAS monthly datasets names like this:
where mdl_nm is the canonical MPAS component name, e.g., mpaso.
This yielded names consistent with MPAS v1 output like
"mpaso.hist.am.timeSeriesStatsMonthly.0001-02-01.nc", and
Now ncclimo prepends the ${caseid}, if present, to the filename.
This yields names consistent with E3SM v2 and v3 output like
"v2.LR.historical_0101.mpaso.hist.am.timeSeriesStatsMonthly.0001-02-01.nc", and "v2.LR.historical_0101.mpassi.hist.am.timeSeriesStatsMonthly.0001-02-01.nc".
To read MPAS filenames with different patterns, simply pipe the
filenames to ncclimo;
ls *mpas*hist | ncclimo ...


A. ncclimo: The -Y/--drc_rgr_xtn option was broken. This has been
fixed. There is no workaround. The solution is to upgrade.

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE
Charlie Zender, Dept. of Earth System Science
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429

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