[netcdfgroup] netCDF Operators NCO version 5.2.9 scratch an itch

netCDF Operators NCO version 5.2.9 scratch an itch

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What's new?
Version 5.2.9 significantly improves the unpacking of ELM/CLM/CTSM
history and restart datasets. ncclimo and ncremap benefit from a
few updates and fixes. This release many be skipped if these changes
do not interest you.

Work on 5.3.0 is underway and includes yet more capability in
unpacking ELM/CLM history/restart files.


NEW FEATURES (full details always in ChangeLog):

A. ncks leveled-up the way it unpacks ELM/CLM history/restart files.
This is by far the biggest feature in this release.
New features include support for PFTs in history files, support
for topounits in ELM (PCT_LANDUNIT, PCT_NAT_PFT, TS_TOPO), a
workaround for invalid topounits coordinates, and outputting a pft
coordinate variable with vegetation names.

ncks --s1d history_h2.nc out.nc # History files usually h2, h3...
ncks --s1d --hrz=history.nc restart.nc out.nc # Restart files


B. ncremap now automagically horizontall regids the latest EAMxx and
SCREAM files without needing manual invocation of long, hairy
options. In particular, users can invoke

ncremap -P eamxx --map=map.nc eamxx.nc out.nc

instead of this:

ncremap -P eamxx
--map=map.nc eamxx.nc out.nc



A. ncremap fixes a regression with the vertical interpolation of ECMWF
datasets in IFS format. The regression, introduced 1-2 years ago,
causes the interpolation to abort. To vertically interpolate a hybrid
coordinate dataset in IFS format, one must now specify that the
surface pressure variable is named lnsp:

ncremap --ps_nm=lnsp --vrt_grd=vrt_grd.nc in.nc out.nc

Thanks to Erik Koene for reporting this issue. There is no
workaround. The solution is to upgrade, or to use an older NCO
version, e.g., 4.9.0.

B. ncclimo fixes an illegal Bash string->numeric conversion error.
This error could occur when invoking non-default start and end
months. There is no workaround. The solution is to upgrade.

Full release statement at http://nco.sf.net/ANNOUNCE
Charlie Zender, Dept. of Earth System Science
University of California, Irvine 949-891-2429

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