On Sun, 16 May 2010, Unidata User Support wrote:
Those of you subscribed to this list who are operating NOAAPort ingest
systems using the Unidata 'noaaport' package will be aware that the
past several tests of the NCF backup servers have resulted in
"corruption" of some nwstg2 GRIB2 messages (typically multiple GRIB2
messages were sent as a single product). Some of the products have
been seen to cause 'noaaport's processing routine 'readnoaaport' to
exit with error, and this, in turn has led to the LDM running on the
ingest machine exiting. The NOAAPort ingest machines run by the
UPC have been instrumented to monitor data ingest, and restart the
LDM upon unintended exit.
Code modifications and GRIB2 table updates made by Steve Chiswell
(DOE/Savannah River National Laboratory) have been included in a new,
** TEST ** release of our 'noaaport' ingest package, noaaport-1.4.0.tar.gz.
Yay! Thanks, Steve. And Thanks, Tom! These are most welcome developments.
Will it also do the same for products that run together on any other feed,
not just GRIB2 products?
BTW, College of DuPage and I (NIU) have been running it for about 8 hours
now with no problems. I was wondering, however: I indirectly inject into
the IDD through Unidata2@SSEC. Since I don't inject directly, am I safe to
stay on this version, or should I revert back to 1.3.0 until Tuesday
Gilbert Sebenste ********
(My opinions only!) ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu **