[noaaport] Signal drop at 13Z

Looks like they tweaked the signal and thought it was too strong. At ~13Z,
they clearly bumped the signal strength down per Jose Nieves' graph. I am now seeing these stats on my noaaport.admin.niu.edu server:

     Frequency: 1193.500000
     SymbolRate: 6.349000
       LNBFault: ok
     SignalLock: on
       DataLock: on
SignalStrength%: 77
           VBER: 0.00e+00
         Errors: 0
      ErrorRate: 0
DemodulatorGain: 79
  NoiseEstimate: 11
   DataSyncLoss: 0
    ClockOffset: 30
 FrequencyError: 0

Put these two tabs side by side in IE8/Firefox 3.63:



Note: the dropouts I had over the past few days was to install a new kernel and do other maintenance on the server. But as of 13Z, UNIDATA is clearly losing data. College of Dupage's VBER on their receiver actually went to1 x 10 ^ -5, now they're back to 1 x 10 ^ -2 and getting virtually nothing.

When a 3.8 meter dish certified by the NWS is losing data, something is wrong. Who can I pass this information along to so they can correct it?

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu                                      **

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