Re: [noaaport] 20100825: readnoaaport1.4.1 Missing GOES Fragment

 Hi Tom,

Certainly. First, the specs are not the same on both. The one which is running proprietary software is on much older hardware.

The one running ldm + readnoaaport is RHEL5u5 32bit with a single 2.26Ghz Xeon E5520 quad-core with hyper-threading enabled box. It has 6GB of RAM .

ldmd.conf looks like the following:

EXEC    "dvbs_multicast -m"
EXEC    "readnoaaport -m -n -u 3"
EXEC    "dvbs_multicast -m"
EXEC    "readnoaaport -m -n -u 4"
EXEC    "dvbs_multicast -m"
EXEC    "readnoaaport -m -n -u 5"
EXEC    "dvbs_multicast -m"
EXEC    "readnoaaport -m -n -u 6"


On 08/25/2010 06:25 PM, Tom Yoksas wrote:
Hi Kevin,

I am attempting to run readnoaaport 1.4.1 with ldm 6.8.0. I have
a DVB on one end coming into a netgear gb switch, off of which I
have two noaaport receiving systems running two different types of
software. The one running the readnoaaport1.4.1 is having
problems with satellite data. Specifically, visible frames.  I'm
not necessarily a developer, so I can't really figure out what the
code is doing, but I am getting this specific error:

ERROR: Missing GOES fragment in sequence number

Is this a memory problem? Can anyone give me a clue?
First, can you let us know the specifics of the machine on which you
are running noaaport v1.4.1 (e.g., Fedora 12 Linux, 8 GB RAM, dual core
Xeon processor, etc.)?

Second, can you let us know how you configured the noaaport entries
in ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf?

The other
receiver doesn't seem to be missing data at all, but is running
proprietary software to listen to the SBN stream.
Is the hardware the same on each of your systems?


* Tom Yoksas                                            UCAR Unidata Program *
* (303) 497-8642 (last resort)                                 P.O. Box 3000 *
* yoksas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  Boulder, CO 80307 *
* Unidata WWW Service                  *

*Kevin Johnson, RHCE^(TM)*
  Principal Systems Engineer, AWIPS Program
  NWS Network Control Facility
*Raytheon Mission Operations & Services*
  p: 301.713.9362x325   f: 301.713.1905

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