[noaaport] Novra S-200 online...thoughts

Well, I swapped out our Novra S-75 for the Novra S-200 today,
which accepts and decodes the DVB-S2 format and the various modulation schemes (8PSK, QPSK, etc etc).

I think I found a bug in the S-200 setup software: When it asks for the symbol rate, I put in 6.349 msps. But after hitting OK and saving it, it shows up as 6.348 msps on the screen. So I put in 6.350, and on screen, it showed 6.349, and all was well. I've notified Novra support about that.

When I entered 1193.500 MHZ as the LF frequency, it chopped it off to 1193. Then, in the display, it said "1193 (+567 Hz)". Just out of curiosity, I did "1194" and it locked it as "1194 (-433 Hz)". I see what it's doing now. That can be confusing, but I know what it's doing and I'll run with it. I assume, like the S-75, it adjusts if the source frequency drifts.

Otherwise, my signal strength is now 76 with the S-200, compared to 80 with the S-75. VBER is still zero, however, and C/N is fluctuating right around 12.5. I don't know what that means or if it's good or not.


Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
web: http://weather.admin.niu.edu                                      **

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