Re: [noaaport] 20110421: Corrupted data with the NOAAport DVB-S2 signal

On Thu, 21 Apr 2011, Tom Yoksas wrote:

Hi Gilbert, et. al.,

A quick update on DVB-S2 testing here at the UPC...

We received and installed our Novra S300 receivers on this past Tuesday,
April 19.  We configured one of the receivers for DVB-S use and the other
for DVB-S2 use.  Two of the three NOAAPort reception machines we operate
here in Boulder remain ingesting the DVB-S datastream and powering
(along with other community machines) the IDD.  The third system is
ingesting the DVB-S2 datastream and feeding all of its data to a UPC
test machine on which all data are being decoded by McIDAS-XCD decoders.

Our experience so far is that the quality of the data being delivered
by the DVB-S2 broadcast is measurably worse than that delivered by the
DVB-S datastream meaning that we are seeing lots of Gap messages and
missing lots of products.

rtstats comparisons of the two datastreams can be made by viewing the
'volume' and/or 'products' links for machines ingesting each type of



The reception quality as indicated by Novra 'cmcs' output on our DVB-S2
machine is good:

CMCS> show satellite
       Satellite Interface Settings:

       Receiver MAC Address:   xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
       Receiver Mode:          DVBS2
       Frequency:              1142.0 MHz
       Symbol Rate:            15.120 Msps (Auto)
       ModCod:                 2/3 8PSK
       Gold code:              0
       Input Stream Filter:    On
       Input Stream ID:        13

       Signal Lock:            On
       Data Lock:              On
       Uncorrectable Rate:     0/Second
       Packet Error Rate:      0.0000e+00

       Carrier to Noise C/N:   15.3dB
       Signal Strength:        -46 dBm


This coupled with the large number of Gap messages we are seeing suggests
that there are (still) problems with DVB-S2 uplink system.  This agrees
with comments made in a previous announcement by NOAA:

Like everyone else testing DVB-S2, we are eager to see a resolution of
this problem!

Yessir. My stats page is now back up:

If you want a look and see what my stats are with the new broadcast. I just installed the new version of this software to support it, but data will be populating through this afternoon. It's still useful now,

Gilbert Sebenste                                                     ********
(My opinions only!)                                                  ******
Staff Meteorologist, Northern Illinois University                      ****
E-mail: sebenste@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                                  ***
web:                                      **

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