Almost forgot. If I try to add the missing packages (pkg_add -r
python26-2.6.6) I get a unable to get message. I tried several variation of
the name (pkg_add -r python26) with the same results
I forgot to introduce myself
My name is Mark Burgus
I'm over 50 :)
I got a 3.8 meter dish when the cable company scraped their dish farm.
I live in west central Illinois. We have one stop light in the county. On
US 34 just out of Iowa.
A Boy Scout wants to do an Eagle project on linking the dish to the school,
nursing home, and the village. I can see two out of three. The third is
the village and I can see the water tower( 7 blocks away ) He wanted to do
the dish install. But he decided to go with the wifi connections.
The reason I want the NOAAport system is this area loses power when the
wind hits 4mph ;) I have a small generator that I use to backup my shop
(man cave ). Everything is on battery backups. So I have a connection the
NOAA information and not relying on the NOAA radio or TV. <>