[noaaport] Quick notes on LDM 6.13.6

Hello everyone,

LDM 6.13.6 is out, and I wanted to give you a very quick heads up on what I 
have learned from it:

First, if you are on LDM 6.13.5, there's no rush to update to 6.13.6 IF you are 
not using it to ingest NOAAport directly from a satellite receiver. For you, 
this updates the documentation and fixes bugs with it.


If you use the LDM as a NOAAport ingester, you should update to it immediately. 
Rotating the logs can cause the LDM to crash. The College of DuPage and 
AllisonHouse have been seeing this; in fact, last night, the satellite ingestor 
at AllisonHouse crashed because of this, but was immediately restarted due to 
system checks they do. Nevertheless, if you are using the LDM to ingest 
NOAAport directly from a Novra S300 or other receiver, this is a must-patch! Do 
it ASAP!!!

Have a great weekend.

Gilbert Sebenste
Staff Meteorologist

Environmental Health and Safety
Labs for Wellness 154 | DeKalb, Illinois 60115

Everyone. Home. Safely.


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