[noaaport] Question about pixel scale when re-projecting GOES-R fixed grid images

Does anyone know of a technical document that describes image 
transformation/registration for the GOES-R?   I've done a couple of web 
searches, but have been unsuccessful.
I am developing software to re-project GOES-R images and display them on a map. 
 Although it seems straightforward, I had trouble with pixel scaling for 
fixed-grid images when I overlay an IR image with geopolitical boundaries, the 
alignment isn't quite right. I came up with a correction factor through 
trial-and-error, but would prefer something a little more sound from a 
technical perspective.
So what I would like to find is something describing the mathematics of the 
image and how geographic coordinates can be mapped to pixel coordinates (and 
vice versa).   I've made a start using the information in "User Guide for 
GOES-R Imagery on the NOAAPort Satellite Broadcast Network", but was hoping to 
find a more detailed description.
If anyone has a lead on this, I would appreciate hearing from you.
Thanks in advance.
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