Has anyone else seen problems with the GOES-R mesoscale sector Z messages
issued under the WMO header TISZ? Alternately, does anyone have suggestions
about what I might be doing wrong?
This data appears to be a tiled product in which the sector is divided into 6
tiles. This morning I attempted to plot data for this sector in an application
I am writing, but the result was that the tiles overlapped and half of them
appear to be located in the wrong place.
My code is depending on the metadata elements for tile_row_offset and
tile_column_offset. The image is given in Mercator projection and appears to
have 2 rows of 3 tiles each. However, I suspect that these are not being
correctly populated. The table below shows that the row offsets for all six
files were given as zero. The latitude/longitude bounds shown below were
computed by my code using the metadata, but the row/col offsets are exactly as
taken from the file (I confirmed their values using NASA's Panoply
I was successful in mapping data from large-scale sector P, which was also in
Mercator projection and other tiled sectors that were given in the Lambert
Conformal Conic projection. So I think my algorithms are ballpark correct.
File Bounds derived from metadata row/col
Min_lat max_lat min_lon max_lon row col
TISZ03_KNES_161257 -22.544 -10.942 -24.236 -12.097 0 2048
TISZ03_KNES_161257_001 -22.544 -10.942 -36.375 -24.236 0 1024
TISZ03_KNES_161257_002 -22.544 -10.942 -48.514 -36.375 0 0
TISZ03_KNES_161257_003 -23.865 -12.081 -49.170 -36.754 0 0
TISZ03_KNES_161257_004 -23.865 -12.081 -24.339 -11.923 0 2048
TISZ03_KNES_161257_005 -23.865 -12.081 -36.754 -24.339 0 1024