Re: [noaaport] [ldm-users] permanent server shutdown and closure

Want to give an incredible THANKS for the support and IDD feeds over the
years at the different institutions I have been a part of.  Your dedication
and hard work has been invaluable 

to me and many in the Unidata and IDD community. It will be greatly missed
and I hope your next position allows you to continue being involved in this
type work.  




Mike Dross



From: ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:ldm-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Gilbert Sebenste
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2017 4:20 PM
To: ldm-users; NOAAPORT
Subject: [ldm-users] permanent server shutdown and closure


Hello everyone,


Due to circumstances beyond my control, I'm unfortunately going to have to

shut down my servers by the spring of next year before I leave the

To be safe, I am asking all my feed sites who feed from my machines

to find another server to feed off of in the next 60 days. While these feeds
could be

going for up to a year, at that time, if they aren't shut off by then,

they will be at that time.


There is a possibility that I might be able to serve the UNIDATA community

in this way again someday. But if not, it's been a privilege and an honor

to provide NOAAport (and other) feeds for 19 years to the community, and

I want to thank my parent institution, Northern Illinois University for

so generous in letting me feed and serve you with data for nearly two

I especially want to thank Tom Yoksas, Steve Emmerson, and all of those who

have helped/interacted with me over the years at UNIDATA that helped make

my operation as successful as it was.

Until we meet again, may your skies be blue, and.oh, forget that, these are

weather people I'm talking to. Have a good lightning show, blizzard, and
with deep

appreciation, thanks to all of you, too numerous to list here who have
helped me  
in some way over the years.




Gilbert Sebenste

Staff Meteorologist


Environmental Health and Safety

Labs for Wellness 154 | DeKalb, Illinois 60115


gilbert@xxxxxxx <mailto:gilbert@xxxxxxx> <> 

Everyone. Home. Safely.




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