Re: [noaaport] puerto rico

Do you have the lat/lons for these radars, Patrick?


Gilbert Sebenste
Staff Meteorologist

Environmental Health and Safety
Labs for Wellness 154 | DeKalb, Illinois 60115

Everyone. Home. Safely.


From: noaaport-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
[mailto:noaaport-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Patrick L. Francis
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 11:00 AM
To: LDM <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; Unidata gembud <gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; 
NOAAPORT <noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [noaaport] puerto rico

For those interested in puerto rico, two portable radars have been installed 
and are sending data over noaaport, though it hasn't been totally stable yet, 
at least we, and more importantly they have something [:-)]

TJRV on the northwest side of the island, just west of Arecibo (ref: movie 
contact!) has the following products that have come through so far
/data/gempak/nexrad/NIDS/JRV$ ls
N0R  N0S  N1P  N1R  N1S  N3P  NET  NLL    NML  NTP  NVL  NVW

TJBQ on the southeast side of the island has sent the following:
/data/gempak/nexrad/NIDS/JBQ$ ls
N0R  N0S  N1P  N3P

for gempak users the data will file automatically

I have sample products setup to autogen upon receipt on my personal site to see 
what we have to work with... feel free to refer to them if you like...

Still praying for Puerto Rico :)



Patrick L. Francis
Director of Research & Development
Aeris Weather




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