[noaaport] wow


Patrick L. Francis

Vice President of Research & Development

Aeris Weather







------ Original Message ------
From: "Mike Zuranski" <zuranski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "Gilbert Sebenste" <gilbert@xxxxxxx>
Cc: "Patrick L. Francis" <wxprofessor@xxxxxxxxx>; "LDM" <ldm-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "Unidata gembud" <gembud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; "NOAAPORT" <noaaport@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 11/2/2017 4:51:40 PM
Subject: Re: [ldm-users] [noaaport] puerto rico

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 3:46 PM, Gilbert Sebenste <gilbert@xxxxxxx> wrote:
TJSU (TDWR San Juan) is back online, it came back later on Halloween day. Since the TDWR does better than the military radars, they were turned off.

You're kidding me. I had just, literally minutes prior, finished the scripting to make those images. /Sigh

It's good to hear the TDWR is back up though. Yes, that is far better than the other two were.

Mike Zuranski
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab
Weather.cod.edu <http://weather.cod.edu/>
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