[noaaport] nexrad bug check

I've been working through some level III issues, and in order to ensure accuracy have decided to upgrade my radome integrity checks for each tdwr and wsr-88d product that comes over noaaport... in doing so i've noticed two things so far.

1. JAN is still listed in nexrad.tbl but has been out of service for awhile, replaced by DGX

2. LPLA (Lajes Field, Azores) is listed as active, but is not showing up over noaaport? VCP status shows as unknown... so is it live and just not over noaaport, or is it memorex?

Anybody have insight on this one?

I've automated a radar status for both TDWR and WSR-88D... it's free and open to the public if anyone would like to use it...




Patrick L. Francis

Vice President of Research & Development

Aeris Weather







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