[noaaport] Missing GOES-16 Tiles


Can anybody else verify there are issues with the GOES-16 ABI tiles coming
over Noaaport?

I see that I am occasionally missing GOES-16 ABI tiles.  It's a small
percentage, but it's enough to notice.  On my Noaaport ingester machine, my
ldmd.log files do contain  "Missing fragment in sequence" and "OOPS, start
of new product with unfinished product" lines.  At first I was concerned I
might have a reception issue, but C/N looks good and no other products are
having issues.

In an attempt to see if it's just me, I took a look at Unidata's NPGOESR
ADDE server at lead.unidata.ucar.edu.  As I'm checking, I notice their
imagery is missing the same tiles that I am, so it appears I might not be
the only one impacted.  I'm beginning to think the problem lies upstream;
has anybody else noticed anything similar?



Mike Zuranski
Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab
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