[noaaport] Occasional bad GOES-16 FullDisk data on SBN

Hey everyone,

COD has some glitched imagery on their site and I believe the source is the
SBN data.  Here is an example (maps are missing and that's okay):


That's Full Disk data from SBN, and that's the only place I see this sort
of thing occurring; not CONUS and not West, only East FD.  It's not ALL the
time, but it's enough to notice especially when you realize some frames are
missing entirely.  When I plot the same data from GRB the image appears
normal.  I can recreate this in McIDAS pointing towards Unidata's ADDE so
it's not just COD.

The other thing I noticed, if you look at the timestamp that's at minute
:05, which is outside the normal 10-minute cadence.  When I look at the
metadata via McIDAS that was in Mode-4 (5-min FD) whereas normally it's
Mode-6 (10-min FD).  A few frames later it's back to Mode-6.

I suspect somebody upstream is aware already.  There are a few notices
about degraded GOES-16 data here (
https://www.ospo.noaa.gov/operations/messages.html) but nothing that's
current.  But given they're changing the satellite mode I have to assume
that's done intentionally.  I believe Gilbert is reaching out to OSPO
separately, but I wanted to pass this along here too.

Happy Monday,

- Mike Zuranski, Weather Data Nerd
Disclaimer: Thoughts, opinions and all general nonsense are those of myself
and in no way reflect the views or positions of any other person or entity.
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