[noaaport] Sequencing on SBN NOAAPort and NWWS feeds.

Since 1340Z this morning, there have been oddities with frame and product
sequencing on the NOAAPort channels of NOPT(DCP), GRE, EXP as well as the
NWWS stream.

Initial assumption was that this was associated with the channel
realignment that was scheduled for yesterday, and gave time for

NOAA has been notified.  Will pass along any updates.

*Stonie Cooper, PhD*
Software Engineer III
NSF Unidata Program Center
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
*I acknowledge that the land I live and work on is the traditional home of
The **Chahiksichahiks (**Pawnee), The **Umoⁿhoⁿ (**Omaha), and The **Jiwere
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