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Posted: Tue, Jul 14, 1992 12:02 PM EDT Msg: AGJC-5307-6109 Subj: How to access Profiler Data ? NCDC ON-LINE METADATA/DATA SYSTEM UPDATE NCDC has expanded its' on line data and metadata access through INTERNET. Using the on-line data access system developed by the joint efforts of NCDC, Forecast Systems Lab (FSL) and the STORM Project Office, several different products are now available. Selection of profiler data from the Wind Profiler Demonstration Network, surface airways observations from NMC and NCDC upper air observations are all on-line. All datastreams are in an E-BUFR format. System requirements and disc space dictate that limited data remains on line. Please see associated table with archival information. The profiler metadata (inventory, station history and dataset dictionary) information are available for downloading. Surface observations for over 700 stations nationwide are on-line for the last 2-3 complete months. Upper air observations are available as well but with a greater time lag due to processing requirements and receipt of data. Please check the system for availability. The read library and file dump program for E-BUFR formatted data are available on-line but in a different area. (See page two for details on acquiring that software) Please note in the table below the length of time the data will be available on-line. Access to the data and downloading are currently available to you without charge by using INTERNET. Please use the address or The Login is : storm The Password is : research Please feel free to browse the system, download profiler, surface, and/or upper air data, check system for latest data available or leave comments and suggestions on your needs and ideas to make the system better........ ARCHIVAL PERIOD FOR ON-LINE ACCESS PROFILER OTHER OBSERVATIONS WINDS-60 Last 31 DAYS SURFACE DATA Beginning 01/01/92 SURFACE-60 Last 31 DAYS UPPER AIR DATA Beginning 11/01/91 MOMENTS-60 Last 07 DAYS MOMENTS-06 Last 07 DAYS NOTE : After these archive dates data are available for off-line access only. Profiler data available off-line starting in Jan 1991. Surface data available starting with Jan 1992 and Upper Air data starting with Nov 1991. These starting dates refer to data in E-BUFR format. Check system for current data availability. Data for Surface and Upper air are available beginning in 1948 for other formats in an offline capacity. Data from the field experiment STORM-FEST are available on-line. The dates of the field experiment were 1 February 1992 through 15 March 1992. Read Library and File Dump Programs The following are instructions for accessing the read library and the file dump program. These instructions allow the user login using INTERNET via FTP. Please use the following address: open or open hurricane The Login is : anonymous The Password is : guest You are now in the UNIX environment and will need to change directories to get to where the code resides. Type cd pub/E-BUFR/ebdump . Then display the contents of the directory by typing ls . There will be four files listed: ebdump.tar, README, ebdump.vms, and README.vax. The README file contains instructions on the use of the read library and the ebdump program. The ebdump.tar and ebdump.vax files contain an archive of the source code. To download the files to your UNIX machine, type mget README ebdump.tar ; to download the files to your VMS machine, type mget README.vax ebdump.vax. You can logout of the server by typing quit. If you are on a UNIX system, you will have to use the tar command to extract the source code from the archive. At your prompt, type tar xvf ebdump.tar If you do an ls command next, you will see many files, including one named "Makefile". In order to compile the source code and get an executable of the ebdump program, type make. The ebdump program is meant as an example of how the read library can be used. It is a stand-alone program that can be used to view the data. To execute ebdump, simply type ebdump. The program will prompt you so it will know what data to display. Users are encouraged to study the README file, which gives instructions on how to use the read library. There are many software routines to use with E-BUFR formatted data. They are described in the README file. Software routines whose name begins with BF extract information from buffer message sections. Routines names that begin with DSP use extracted information and provide output. Ebdump is intended as a prototype program to be used as a guide for users in writing their own programs accessing the read library routines.