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Posted: Wed, Dec 9, 1992 3:42 PM EST Msg: AGJC-5478-5767 k.mielke(rec), j.kemper(rec), g.trapp(rec) CC: l.miller.ucar, t.whittaker(rec) Subj: 2 AFOS messages I sent the following 2 messages this afternoon. The first one was sent on AFOS only - not on NWWS nor FOS. The second one was sent on AFOS, NWWS, Domestic Data Service, International Data Service, Honolulu, WMSC/FAA (who forwards it to Alaska region), Canadian AES, and ISPAN text lines. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZCZC WSHADAWSH ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 220 PM EST WED DEC 9 1992 TO: Users of TDL Graphic Products NMCGPH01E and NMCGPH02E FROM: Dr. Jess Charba, W/OSD23 (TDL) Effective 1200 UTC on Wednesday, December 9, 1992, TDL objective 0-6 Hr and 3-9 Hr QPF AFOS graphic products NMCGPH01E and NMCGPH02E will not be transmitted on AFOS. Winter equations have not been developed for these products. These graphics are available from March until December each year. Transmission of these products will resume around March 1, 1993. Sent - W/OM23 - C. Alex NNNN -------------------------------------------------------------------- ZCZC WSHPNSWSH ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE...92-14 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 220 PM EST WED DEC 9 1992 TO: NWS EMPLOYEES, FAMILY OF SERVICES SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: MARY M. GLACKIN CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: 1993 RELEASE DATES FOR 30- AND 90-DAY OUTLOOKS (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY MR. DONALD R. WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH, NWS) The scheduled release dates in 1993 for the 30- and 90-day extended outlooks issued by the Climate Analysis Center (CAC) are listed below. Release times are approximately 300 PM Eastern Time. 30-day outlooks 90-day seasonal outlooks release date 1. January January through March Wed. Dec. 30 2. mid Jan. to mid Feb. ...................... Thu. Jan. 14 3. February February through April Fri. Jan. 29 4. mid Feb. to mid Mar. ...................... Fri. Feb. 12 5. March March through May Fri. Feb. 26 6. mid Mar. to mid Apr. ...................... Fri. Mar. 12 7. April April through June Tue. Mar. 30 8. mid Apr. to mid May ...................... Wed. Apr. 14 9. May May through July Thu. Apr. 29 10. mid May to mid Jun. ...................... Fri. May 14 11. June June through August Fri. May 28 12. mid Jun. to mid Jul. ...................... Mon. Jun. 14 13. July July through September Tue. Jun. 29 14. mid Jul. to mid Aug. ...................... Wed. Jul. 14 15. August August through October Fri. Jul. 30 16. mid Aug. to mid Sep. ...................... Fri. Aug. 13 17. September September through November Mon. Aug. 30 18. mid Sep. to mid Oct. ...................... Tue. Sep. 14 19. October October through December Wed. Sep. 29 20. mid Oct. to mid Nov. ...................... Thu. Oct. 14 21. November November through Jan. 1994 Fri. Oct. 29 22. mid Nov. to mid Dec. ...................... Fri. Nov. 12 23. December December through Feb. 1994 Mon. Nov. 29 24. mid Dec. to mid Jan.'94 ...................... Tue Dec. 14 1. January 1994 January through March 1994 Wed. Dec. 29