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Posted: Mon, May 10, 1993 6:50 PM EDT Msg: NGJD-5694-1218 k.mielke(rec), g.hufford(rec), e.young.nws(rec) CC: h.glahn(rec), l.miller.ucar(rec) Subj: NTIM - Traj. graphics changes It's me again....I sent the following NTIM this afternoon: -------------------------------------------------------------------- WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 101831 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 93-15 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 230 PM EDT MON MAY 10 1993 TO: NWS OFFICES, AFOS GRAPHICS SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS, DIFAX SUBSCRIBERS FROM: MARY M. GLACKIN CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: SELECTED TRAJECTORY MODEL GRAPHICS TO BE CHANGED FROM LFM-BASED TO NGM-BASED (INFORMATION FOR THIS ANNOUNCEMENT HAS BEEN PROVIDED BY PAUL DALLAVALLE OF THE TECHNIQUES DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY) Effective with the 1200 UTC cycle on May 12, 1993, the National Weather Service will replace four AFOS graphics products which contain forecasts of the LFM-based trajectory model with graphics products containing forecasts of the NGM-based trajectory model. These products are distributed on AFOS with the following identifiers: NMCGPH0WD, NMCGPH8WT, NMCGPH7WD, and NMCGPHI4K. These products contain the 24-h forecasts of the surface dew point, the 850-mb temperature, the 700-mb dew point, and the K-Index, respectively. The NGM-based guidance will be generated at approximately 0400 and 1600 UTC. NOTE: Currently, these messages are generated at 0200 and 1400 UTC. At this time, only the graphics on AFOS are being changed. Facsimile products containing the trajectory model forecasts will still be produced from the LFM-based trajectory model until late May 1993. Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 397 describes the trajectory model and the graphics products. Conversion of these products is part of the continuing effort to remove the LFM model guidance for the contiguous U.S. on or about June 8, 1993. If you need further information on the trajectory model, please call Ron Reap of the Techniques Development Laboratory at (301) 713-1772, or write to him at: NOAA/National Weather Service Techniques Development Laboratory, W/OSD23 1325 East West Hwy #10380 Silver Spring, MD 20910 More information about the phase-out of the LFM model for the contiguous U.S. and the status of other LFM-based products will be forthcoming from the Office of Meteorology, both mailed directly to users, and via future National Technical Information Messages. If you have any questions about the phase-out of the LFM for the contiguous U.S., call Mary Robinson or Chris Alex of the Office of Meteorology at (301)-713-0462. SENT - W/OM23 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Posted: Mon, May 10, 1993 6:55 PM EDT Msg: BGJD-5694-1304 K.MIELKE(REC), G.HUFFORD(REC), E.YOUNG.NWS(REC) CC: M.ROBINSON(REC), M.GLACKIN(REC), H.GLAHN(REC), L.MILLER.UCAR(REC) Subj: FPCs, FWCs, Eta info, etc. Lots of misc. stuff for me to tell you: 1) LFM and NGM MOS for CONUS I prepared a memo to Paul Dallavalle from Mary Glackin concerning the future of the FPCs and FWCs, which was signed on May 5th. You will all get copies of the memo, which includes the comparative verification statistics of for LFM and NGM MOS for December 1992 thru Feb. 1993. The bottom line is that the COMPLETE FPC message will continue to be sent on AFOS (and all other users, if they choose) unitl sometime in July. We are retaining it unitl then in order to have a more complete NGM MOS matrix (every element included in the NGM MOS matrix) in place. A week or two after the VIS and OBVIS lines are added to the NGM MOS matrix, we will implement the abbreviated LFM MOS message (mx/mn temp and POP12 lines only). The abbreviated message will continue until the NGM MOS temp. and PoP equations are redeveloped, which should be completed in fall 1993. All of this is discussed in the memo. 2) Eta implementation The date for the implementation of the Eta model is now Tues. June 8, 1993, at 1200 UTC. On that date, most of the graphics directly produced from the LFM (with the exception of the 00 hr graphics) will be generated from the Eta rather than the LFM. As we have discussed, the 00 hr graphics will continue to be the Cressman analysis from the LFM. There will be no change on June 8th with respect to LFM MOS (as I discussed above). Also on June 8th at 1200 UTC, five new graphics will be available from the Eta, which are not currently available from the LFM: NMCGPHINL - 00H ERL LIFTED INDEX NMCGPH7UV - 12H ERL 700 VV NMCGPH7WV - 24H ERL 700 VV NMCGPH7YV - 36H ERL 700 VV NMCGPH7ZV - 48H ERL 700 VV Also on June 8th, the FRH and FOH products will be generated from the Eta rather than the LFM. The list of stations is unchanged in both cases. However, for the FRH messages, THE FORMAT WILL CHANGE TO THE FORMAT CURRENT USED FOR THE FRHT MESSAGES (THE NGM FRH MESSAGES). Also on June 8th, the graphics which continue to be generated from the LFM will become FULL SIZE, rather than truncated. NOTE: The Eta gridded data will not be available on AFOS unitl the end of July, after a successful field test has benn completed. 3) Eta implementation "Dear Colleague" package Mary Robinson and I have completed the "Dear Colleague" package which covers the details of the Eta implementation. Attached to the 4 page cover letter is is the Table you've all seen in draft which gives the status of each LFM-based product. Also included in the package are references on the Eta model. This package will be printed and distributed here in Silver Spring in the next 2 to 3 days. Then it will be mailed to: TPB subscribers (which includes NWS Offices and regional HQ) FOS subscribers AMS braodcasters universities OFCM, FAA HQ, etc. NOTE: For CR, SR, and WR, bulk mailings will be delivered to you, and will need to be redistributed to your field offices ASAP: CR - 115 copies will be delivered SR - 100 copies WR - 91 copies For Alaska, Pacific, and Eastern Regions, the "Dear Colleague" packages will be mailied directly to your offices (the same as the TPBs). 4) Eta TPB The draft Eta TPB (which I sent you last week) has been reviewed by CAFTI (comments were due 5/7), and I am working on incorporating them now. Eric Thaler, DEN SOO, is doing the SOO/field review. His comments are due 5/14. We are planning to send out a draft (i.e., not in the TPB, desk-top published format) TPB once all the comments have been incorporated. Then, a few weeks later, I will send out the final (desk-top published, formatted, etc.). These too, will need to be redistributed ASAP by CR, SR, and WR, in order to get it in the hands of the forecasters as soon in advance of the implementation date as possible. I guess that's it for now (isn't that enough?). Lots more to come.....bye