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Posted: Fri, Aug 6, 1993 3:39 PM EDT Msg: MGJD-5834-9043 Subj: NTIM - FPCs to be abbreviated I sent the following NTIM this afternoon. I plan to resend it 1-2 days before the implementation date. WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 061835 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 93-31 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 235 PM EDT FRI AUG 6 1993 TO: ALL NWS OFFICES, DOMESTIC DATA SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS FROM: MARY M. GLACKIN CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: LFM-BASED MOS MESSAGE TO BE ABBREVIATED (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY PAUL DALLAVALLE OF THE TECHNIQUES DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY.) Effective on or about the 1200 UTC cycle on August 18, 1993, the National Weather Service will replace the current LFM-based MOS forecast message for the contiguous United States with a modified alphanumeric message. The LFM-based MOS forecast message is issued as the FPC product on AFOS and as the FOUS12 KWBC message in the FAA's Weather Message Switching Center and the Family of Service's Domestic Data Service. The modified message will only contain the 24-h through 60-h forecasts of the maximum/minimum temperature and the probability of precipitation for 12-h periods ending at 24, 36, 48, or 60 hours after initial model time. All of the other LFM MOS forecasts in the FPC/FOUS12 will be deleted from the matrix. Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 325 describes the complete LFM MOS message. NO CHANGES WILL BE MADE TO THE CURRENT FPC/FOUS12 KWBC PRODUCT IDENTIFIERS NOR TO THE FORMAT OF THE MAX/MIN AND 12-H POP FORECASTS. Users of the FPC/FOUS12 guidance are encouraged to look at the Nested Grid Model (NGM)-based MOS forecast message wherever the LFM-based MOS guidance has been used in the past. The NGM-based MOS guidance is available as the FWC product on AFOS and as the FOUS14 KWBC message in the FAA's Weather Message Switching Center and the Family of Service's Domestic Data Service. The NGM MOS guidance contains forecasts of all weather elements that are currently available in the FPC product, except quantitative precipitation (QPF). The QPF guidance should be added to the FWC/FOUS14 KWBC message in late September or early October 1993. Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 408 describes the FWC/FOUS14 message. The NGM MOS products are generally produced between 3 1/2 and 4 hours after 0000 or 1200 UTC. This implementation of abbreviated FPCs is the final step leading to the eventual discontinuation of the LFM MOS guidance as part of the phase-out of the LFM. We plan to discontinue the abbreviated FPCs in Fall of 1993. If you have any questions about this change, call Chris Alex of the Office of Meteorology at (301-713-0462 or Paul Dallavalle at (301)-763-8151. END