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NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-14 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 350 PM EDT TUE MAY 17 1994 TO: ALL NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: MARY C. NEWTON ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: ULTRAVIOLET POTENTIAL (UVP) INDEX (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY RICHARD PRZYWARTY OF THE OFFICE OF METEOROLOGY.) The National Weather Service (NWS) is working in coordination with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the American Meteorological Society (AMS) and private industry to develop an experimental Ultraviolet Potential (UVP) Index guidance forecast. A strong driver for the development of the UVP index is the need to increase public awareness of the risks of over-exposure to the sun's harmful rays. The NWS is currently evaluating the scientific merit of the UVP Index as well as providing input on outreach products to educate the public on how to interpret the UVP. UVP Index brochures will be provided jointly by the EPA, NWS and CDC. The NWS hopes to begin a demonstration and evaluation project which would involve the experimental release of a UVP index forecast for a limited number of test sites for a designated period of time. Our target date for the start of this demonstration is July 1994. We plan to have background material on the development and use of the index to the involved forecast offices substantially before that time. NWS OFFICES SHOULD DISREGARD ANY INFORMATION THEY RECEIVE ON THIS PRODUCT THAT IS NOT DISTRIBUTED BY THE NWS. All questions concerning the UVP index may be directed to Jim Miller of the National Meteorological Center's Climate Analysis Center. Jim can be reached on (301) 763-8071.