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- ---------- Forwarded message ---------- >Date: Wed, 25 May 94 15:43:33 EST >From:Christine_Alex_at_W-OM13@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx >Subject: CWA changes in Michigan I sent the attached two-part message on AFOS, NWWS, TG under WSHPNSWSH (WMO header ADMN81 KWBC) this aftn. ZCZC WSHPNSWSH ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT...PART 1 OF 2 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 340 PM EDT WED MAY 25 1994 TO: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) EMPLOYEES, FAMILY OF SERVICES (FOS) SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE (NWWS) SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: DONALD R. WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH SUBJECT: PRODUCT IDENTIFIER CHANGES FOR WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE AT DETROIT/PONTIAC, MICHIGAN, EFFECTIVE JULY 25, 1994. At 8:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, July 25, 1994, all products issued by the Michigan Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) in Detroit/Pontiac will use the new communications identifier DTX instead of ARB for products distributed on the Automation of Field Operations and Services (AFOS), NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) and the Family of Services (FOS). The old identifier reflected the previous location of the Michigan WSFO at Ann Arbor. Users will need to make appropriate adjustments to receive the new National Weather Service (NWS) products from the Detroit/Pontiac (DTX), Michigan WSFO. AFOS and NWWS product identifiers ending with ARB will change to DTX. For example, a special weather statement from WSFO DTX will change to ARBSPSDTX from ARBSPSARB. However, AFOS and NWWS products that end with the Michigan STATE identifier (MI) and LAKE Identifiers (LH for Lake Huron and SC for Lake St. Clair) will remain the same. For example the AFOS/NWWS identifier for Michigan Zone Forecasts will remain ARBZFPMI and the AFOS/NWWS identifier for the Lake Huron Great Lakes Marine Forecast will remain ARBGLFLH. Note that the BEGINNING (first three characters) of all AFOS and NWWS product identifiers issued by Michigan NWS offices will still be ARB. Only NWWS product identifiers ENDING with ARB will change (to an ending with DTX). WMO headers (for FOS users) previously ending with KARB will ALL change to an ending with KDTX. For example, the WMO header for Michigan Zone Forecasts will change to FPUS05 KDTX from FPUS5 KARB. The WMO headers for the Great Lakes Marine Forecasts for Lake Huron will change to FZUS62 KDTX from FZUS62 KARB. The following is a list of AFOS/NWWS identifiers and WMO headers. Old AFOS/ New AFOS/ New NWWS ID NWWS ID WMO header Product Description ARBGLFLH ARBGLFLH FZUS62 KDTX Great lakes marine forecast ARBGLFSC ARBGLFSC FZUS63 KDTX Great lakes marine forecast ARBMWSARB ARBMWSDTX FZUS60 KDTX Marine weather statement ARBNSHARB ARBNSHDTX FZUS64 KDTX Near shore marine forecast ARBFLWARB ARBFLWDTX WRUS02 KDTX River flood warning ARBRR1ARB ARBRR1DTX SRUS21 KDTX Hydrometeorological data, pt 1 ARBRR2ARB ARBRR2DTX SRUS22 KDTX Hydrometeorological data, pt 2 ARBRR3ARB ARBRR3DTX SRUS23 KDTX Hydrometeorological data, pt 3 ARBRR4ARB ARBRR4DTX SRUS24 KDTX Hydrometeorological data, pt 4 ARBRR5ARB ARBRR5DTX N/A Hydrometeorological data, pt 5 ARBRR6ARB ARBRR6DTX N/A Hydrometeorological data, pt 6 ARBRR7ARB ARBRR7DTX N/A Hydrometeorological data, pt 7 ARBRR8ARB ARBRR8DTX N/A Hydrometeorological data, pt 8 ARBRR9ARB ARBRR9DTX RRUS01 KDTX Hydrometeorological data, pt 9 ARBESFARB ARBESFDTX RWUS04 KDTX Spring flood potential outlook ARBLSRARB ARBLSRDTX WWUS30 KDTX Local storm report ARBSFDARB ARBSFDDTX FPUS03 KDTX State forecast discussion ARBSLSMI ARBSLSMI WWUS32 KDTX Svr local storm areal outline ARBSWRMI ARBSWRMI TTAA00 KDTX State weather roundup ARBESSARB ARBESSDTX RWUS05 KDTX Water supply outlook ARBSTPMI ARBSTPMI ABUS21 KDTX State temp and precip table ARBSWSMI ARBSWSMI ABUS30 KDTX State weather summary ARBSFPMI ARBSFPMI FPUS01 KDTX State and extended forecast ARBCCFARB ARBCCFDTX FPUS04 KDTX Coded city forecast ARBZFPMI ARBZFPMI FPUS05 KDTX Zone forecast product ARBRECARB ARBRECDTX FWUS01 KDTX Recreational report ARBRVAARB ARBRVADTX RWUS11 KDTX River summary ARBFFAARB ARBFFADTX RWUS31 KDTX Flash flood watch ARBFFSARB ARBFFSDTX RWUS32 KDTX Flash flood statement ARBFLSARB ARBFLSDTX RWUS42 KDTX Flood statement ARBSMWARB ARBSMWDTX WMUS01 KDTX Special marine warning ARBSPSARB ARBSPSDTX WWUS35 KDTX Special weather statement ARBWSWARB ARBWSWDTX WWUS46 KDTX Winter weather warning ARBNPWARB ARBNPWDTX WWUS45 KDTX Non-precipitation warning ARBPNSARB ARBPNSDTX ABUS34 KDTX Public information statement ARBCEMARB ARBCEMDTX MMUS40 KDTX Civil emergency message ARBAOAARB ARBAOADTX ABUS50 KDTX Agricultural advisory ARBAGFARB ARBAGFDTX FXUS08 KDTX Agricultural forecast ARBRRMARB ARBRRMDTX SRUM10 KDTX Misc. climatological report ARBAGOARB ARBAGODTX SXUS04 KDTX Agricultural observations ARBASAARB ARBASADTX N/A Air stagnation advisory ARBFRFARB ARBFRFDTX FXUS81 KDTX Fruit/frost advisory ARBFWMARB ARBFWMDTX FXUS76 KDTX Fire weather ARBLSHARB ARBLSHDTX WMUS02 KDTX Lakeshore warning ARBNOWARB ARBNOWDTX FXUS21 KDTX Short term forecast ARBRERARB ARBRERDTX SXUS99 KDTX Record report ARBRFDARB ARBRFDDTX FXUS73 KDTX Rangeland fire danger stmnt ARBRVSARB ARBRVSDTX RWUS15 KDTX River summary ARBSVSARB ARBSVSDTX WWUS34 KDTX Severe weather statement no prev. ARBSVRDTX WUUS01 KDTX Severe thunderstorm warning no prev. ARBTORDTX WFUS01 KDTX Tornado warning no prev. ARBFFWDTX WRUS01 KDTX Flash flood warning LISTENERS OF NOAA WEATHER RADIO STATIONS KEC-63 DETROIT (162.550 MHz) AND KIH-29 FLINT (162.400 MHz), PLEASE NOTE: The NOAA Weather Radio (NWR) program consoles will be moved to WSFO DTX on July 25, 1994. NWR transmitters will remain in the same locations, so there will be no change in the programming itself or in reception areas. Only the locations of NWS employees doing the programming will change to WSFO DTX from the Weather Service Office (WSO) near Detroit Airport and WSO Flint. END OF PART 1 OF 2 NNNNZCZC WSHPNSWSH ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT...PART 2 OF 2 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 340 PM EDT WED MAY 25 1994 TO: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) EMPLOYEES, FAMILY OF SERVICES (FOS) SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE (NWWS) SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: DONALD R. WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH SUBJECT: SHORT-FUSE COUNTY WARNING AREA FOR WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE AT DETROIT/PONTIAC EXPANDS ON JULY 25, 1994 Effective July 25, 1994 at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time, the National Weather Service (NWS) will transfer short-fused warning responsibility for 17 counties in Michigan (Table 1) TO the Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) at Detroit/Pontiac (DTX) from the Weather Service Offices (WSO) at Detroit (DTW), Michigan and Flint (FNT), Michigan. WSFO DTX will issue short-fused warnings (Table 2) and related products that provide followup information on the warnings (Table 3). For holders of NWS Operations Manual Chapter C-47, County Warning Areas, this transfer is the 15th update for 1994. Because of this county warning transfer and the new WSFO identifier, subscribers to the NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) and the Family of Services (FOS) must take appropriate action to receive NWS products using the DTX identifier (Tables 2 and 3) instead of DTW, FNT, or ARB. FOS uses WMO headers. For example, if you have been receiving Tornado Warnings using the AFOS/NWWS (or WMO header) product identifiers ARBTORDTW (WUUS1 KDTW) or ARBTORFNT (WUUS1 KFNT), you will need to change to ARBTORDTX (WUUS01 KDTX). If you have been receiving Special Marine Warnings using the AFOS/NWWS (or WMO header) product identifiers ARBSMWARB (WMUS1 KARB), you will need to change to ARBSMWDTX (WMUS01 KDTX). The Universal Generic Codes (UGC), however, will remain unchanged (Table 1). TABLE 1 : County Warning Area Transfer to WSFO DTX see notes County UGC county UGC zone From To below (FIPS) code code Lenawee MIC091- MIZ082- DTW DTX Livingston MIC093- MIZ068- DTW DTX 2 Macomb MIC099- MIZ070- DTW DTX 1 2 6 St. Clair MIC147- MIZ063- DTW DTX 4 Monroe MIC115- MIZ083- DTW DTX Oakland MIC125- MIZ069- DTW DTX Washtenaw MIC161- MIZ075- DTW DTX 2 3 Wayne MIC163- MIZ076- DTW DTX 5 Bay MIC017- MIZ048- FNT DTX Genesee MIC049- MIZ061- FNT DTX 5 6 Huron MIC063- MIZ049- FNT DTX Lapeer MIC087- MIZ062- FNT DTX Midland MIC111- MIZ047- FNT DTX Saginaw MIC145- MIZ053- FNT DTX 6 Sanilac MIC151- MIZ055- FNT DTX Shiawassee MIC155- MIZ060- FNT DTX 5 Tuscola MIC157- MIZ054- FNT DTX 1 adjoining waters of St. Clair River MIZ517- ARB DTX 2 adjoining waters of Lake St. Clair MIZ518- ARB DTX 3 adjoining waters of Detroit River MIZ519- ARB DTX 4 adjoining MI waters of Lake Erie MIZ520- ARB DTX ...adjoining waters of Lake Huron: 5,6 5 Alabaster MI to Port Austin MI MIZ511- ARB DTX 6 Port Austin MI to Port Huron MI MIZ512- ARB DTX open lake waters (Lake Huron) LHZ501- ARB DTX open lake waters (Lake St. Clair) SCZ501- ARB DTX TABLE 2: The following are short-fused warning products for the counties transferred to WSFO DTX. UGC county FIPS codes are used in these products except for affected adjoining waters in which UGC zone codes for marine areas will be used. Warning products for AFOS/NWWS ID WMO HEADER + Tornadoes ARBTORDTX WFUS01 KDTX + Severe thunderstorms ARBSVRDTX WUUS01 KDTX * special marine warning ARBSMWDTX WMUS01 KDTX Flash floods ARBFFWDTX WRUS01 KDTX "+" means that special marine warnings will also be included when adjoining waters are affected. "*" means for water areas only. TABLE 3: The following are related products for the counties transferred to WSFO DTX. UGC zone codes are used in these products. RELATED PRODUCTS AFOS/NWWS ID WMO HEADER Special weather statement ARBSPSDTX WWUS35 KDTX Severe weather statement ARBSVSDTX WWUS34 KDTX Civil emergency message ARBCEMDTX MMUS40 KDTX Public infor. Statement ARBPNSDTX ABUS34 KDTX Winter weather warnings ARBWSWDTX WWUS46 KDTX Non-precipitation warnings ARBNPWDTX WWUS45 KDTX Short-term forecast ARBNOWDTX FXUS21 KDTX Flash flood statement ARBFFSDTX RWUS32 KDTX Local storm report ARBLSRDTX WWUS30 KDTX Marine Weather Statement * ARBMWSDTX FZUS60 KDTX * for water areas only If you have any questions on parts 1 or 2 of this message, contact one of the following: Dean Gulezian, Michigan Area Manager NOAA/National Weather Service 9200 White Lake Road White Lake, MI 48386-1126 (313) 625-3309 Edward Burney Michael Nadolski Official in Charge Official in Charge NOAA/Nat'l Weather Service NOAA/Nat'l Weather Service Metropolitan Airport, Bldg. 348 3519 W. Bristol Road Detroit, MI 48242-1496 Flint, MI 48507-3187 (313) 955-1231 (810) 232-1725 END OF PART 2 OF 2 ------- End of Forwarded Message