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TO: ALL NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: MARY C. NEWTON ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: TERMINATION OF FOUS21/FTPNMC PRODUCT On or about September 28, 1994, transmission of the FOUS21 KWBC bulletin will be terminated. This message is distributed as the FTPNMC product on AFOS. The FOUS21 KWBC bulletin contains 72-h perfect prog forecasts of calendar day maximum and minimum temperature. Users of the FOUS21 bulletin should begin using the new AVN-based statistical forecast guidance when it become available (on or about August 31, 1994). New AVN-based forecast messages will contain daytime maximum and nightime minimum temperature forecasts for periods ranging from 12 to 72 hours in advance for approximately 225 stations in the contiguous U.S., approximately 30 stations in Alaska, and 12 stations in Canada. In addition to the temperature guidance, these bulletins also contain forecasts of the probability of precipitation (PoP), mean opaque cloudiness, and conditional probability of snow for U.S. stations. This new guidance is based on output from the National Meteorological Center's Aviation (AVN) run of the Global Spectral Model. Forecast messages will be generated during the 0000 and 1200 UTC forecast cycles and should be available at about 0600 and 1800 UTC, respectively. These messages will be distributed on AFOS under the FAN category and disseminated to external users as the FEXCxx, FEXExx, FEXSxx, FEXWxx, FEAK20, and FECN20 messages, where xx is a two digit number identifying each message. Note that there are currently no plans to distribute the FEAK20 message, which contains guidance for Alaskan stations, on AFOS. If you have any concerns related to the termination of the FOUS21 KWBC message, please contact Mary Newton of the Office of Meteorology at (301)-713-0462. If you need further information about the AVN-based statistical forecasts or forecast messages, please call John Jensenius of the Techniques Development Laboratory at (301)-763-8151. END NNNN?ZCZC WSHPNSNMC ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-26 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 200 PM EDT WED JUL 20 1994 TO: ALL NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: MARY C. NEWTON ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: CANADIAN MRF-BASED STATISTICAL FORECASTS (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY MR. JOHN JENSENIUS OF THE TECHNIQUES DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY). Beginning on or about September 1, 1994, during the 0000 UTC cycle, a new message containing MRF-based statistical maximum (max) and minimum (min) temperature forecasts for 12 Canadian stations will be issued. The message will be generated from the 0000 UTC run of the model and should be available about 0900 UTC. This message will be distributed on AFOS under the FMRCND product identifier and will be disseminated to external users as the FECN21 message. The FECN21 (FMRCND) message will contain statistical forecasts of the daytime max and nighttime min temperature for projections out to 8 days in advance and is based on the U.S. National Meteorological Center's MRF run of the Global Spectral Model. Also included in the message are the climatic normal min and max temperatures for the 96 to 120-hour period (under the heading of CLIMO). Forecasts for the following stations will be contained in the message: WLF - Lansdowne House, OT YEG - Edmonton, AB YPA - Prince Albert, SK YQB - Quebec, QE YQD - The Pas, MB YQR - Regina, SK YQT - Thunder Bay, OT YVR - Vancouver, BC YWG - Winnipeg, MB YXS - Prince George, BC YYB - North Bay, OT YYC - Calgary, AB The techniques used to derive the max and min temperature guidance for these Canadian stations are the same as those used to derive the max and min temperature guidance for U.S. stations (see Technical Procedures Bulletin (TPB) No. 411 for a description of the MRF-based statistical guidance for the U.S.). If you do not have a copy of TPB No. 411 and would like a copy, please contact Chris Alex of the Office of Meteorology at (301)- 713-0462. If you need further information about the max/min temperature guidance or about the message for Canadian stations, please call John Jensenius of the Techniques Development Laboratory at (301)-763-8151. NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-26 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 200 PM EDT THU JUL 21 1994 TO: ALL NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: MARY C. NEWTON ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: TERMINATION OF FEUS50-53 BULLETINS On or about September 28, 1994, transmission of the FEUS50 KWBC, FEUS51 KWBC, FEUS52 KWBC, and FEUS53 KWBC bulletins will be terminated. These messages are not distributed on AFOS, but are available on the Public Products Service. The FEUS50-53 bulletins contain 1 to 8 day forecasts of calendar-day maximum (max) and minimum (min) temperature. Users of the FOUS50-53 bulletins should begin using the MRF-based statistical forecast guidance which contains daytime maximum and nighttime minimum temperature forecasts for periods ranging from 1 to 8 days in advance for approximately 225 stations in the contiguous U.S., approximately 30 stations in Alaska, and 12 stations in Canada. These messages are, or will be, distributed on AFOS under the FMR category and disseminated to external users as the FOXCxx, FOXExx, FOXSxx, FOXWxx, FOAK20, and FECN21 messages, where xx is a two digit number identifying each message. Note that there are currently no plans to distribute the FOAK20 message on AFOS. In addition to temperature guidance, the bulletins for U.S. stations also contain forecasts of the probability of precipitation (PoP), mean opaque cloudiness, mean wind speed, and conditional probability of snow. This new guidance is based on output from the National Meteorological Center's Medium Range Forecast (MRF) run of the Global Spectral Model. Forecast messages are generated once a day during the 0000 UTC forecast cycle and are available at about 0900 UTC. If you have any concerns related to the termination of the FEUS50-53 KWBC messages, please contact Mary Newton of the Office of Meteorology at (301)-713-0462. If you need further information about the MRF-based statistical forecasts or forecast messages, please call John Jensenius of the Techniques Development Laboratory at (301)-763-8151.