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PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 300 PM EDT FRI AUG 26 1994 TO: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) OFFICES, FAMILY OF SERVICES (FOS) SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE (NWWS) SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: DONALD R. WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH SUBJECT: PORTLAND MAINE (AT GRAY) WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE'S SHORT-FUSE COUNTY WARNING AREA EXPANDS ON NOVEMBER 1, 1994. Effective Tuesday, November 1, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, the National Weather Service (NWS) will transfer short-fuse warning responsibility for northern Maine and eight counties in New Hampshire (Table 1) TO the Portland (PWM), Maine (at Gray) Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO), FROM Weather Service Offices (WSOs) in Caribou (CAR), Maine and Concord (CON), New Hampshire. For these counties, WSFO PWM will issue short-fuse warning products (Table 2) and related products that give followup information on the warnings (Table 3). For holders of NWS Operations Manual Chapter C-47, County Warning Areas, this transfer is the 38th update of 1994. Because of this county warning transfer, subscribers to the NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) and the Family of Services (FOS) must take appropriate action to receive the short-fuse warnings and related products for these counties using the PWM identifier (Tables 2 and 3) instead of the CAR and CON identifiers. (For example, if you have been receiving severe thunderstorm warnings using the product identifier PWMSVRCAR and PWMSVRCON, you will have to change the product identifier to PWMSVRPWM). The Universal Generic Codes (UGC), however, will remain unchanged (as shown in Table 1). Table 1. County UGC ZONE UGC COUNTY From To code code Northwest Aroostook MEZ001- MEC003- CAR PWM Northeast Aroostook MEZ002- MEC003- CAR PWM Southern Aroostook MEZ006- MEC003- CAR PWM Northern Somerset MEZ003- MEC025- CAR PWM Northern Piscataquis MEZ004- MEC021- CAR PWM Northern Penobscot MEZ005- MEC019- CAR PWM Northern Coos NHZ001- NHC007- CON PWM Southern Coos NHZ002- NHC007- CON PWM Northern Grafton NHZ003- NHC009- CON PWM Southern Grafton NHZ005- NHC009- CON PWM Northern Carroll NHZ004- NHC003- CON PWM Southern Carroll NHZ006- NHC003- CON PWM Sullivan NHZ007- NHC019- CON PWM Merrimack NHZ008- NHC013- CON PWM Belknap NHZ009- NHC001- CON PWM Strafford NHZ010- NHC017- CON PWM Interior Rockingham NHZ013- NHC015- CON PWM Coastal Rockingham * NHZ014- NHC015- CON PWM * adjacent to NH MEZ501- remains with PWM seacoast waters Table 2. The following are short-fuse warning products for the counties transferred to PWM. UGC county codes are used in these. Warning product for: AFOS/NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Tornadoes PWMTORPWM WFUS1 KPWM Severe thunderstorms PWMSVRPWM WUUS1 KPWM Flash floods PWMFFWPWM WRUS1 KPWM Note: Special marine warnings for the New Hampshire seacoast waters (part of UGC MEZ501-) will continue to be issued by PWM under the header PWMSMWPWM (WMUS1 KPWM) or as product combined with a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning. Table 3. The following are key related products for the counties transferred to PWM. UGC zone codes are used in these products. Related products AFOS/NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Special weather statement PWMSPSPWM WWUS35 KPWM Severe weather statement PWMSVSPWM WWUS34 KPWM Civil emergency message PWMCEMPWM MMUS40 KPWM Public info. statement PWMPNSPWM ABUS34 KPWM Winter weather warnings PWMWSWPWM WWUS46 KPWM Non-precipitation warnings PWMNPWPWM WWUS45 KPWM Short-term forecast PWMNOWPWM FXUS21 KPWM Flash flood statement PWMFFSPWM RWUS32 KPWM Local storm report PWMLSRPWM WWUS30 KPWM Hurricane Local Statement PWMHLSPWM WWUS31 KPWM If you have further questions, you may contact the following: Albert W. Wheeler, Meteorologist-in-Charge (MIC) Richard J. Naistat, Warning Coordination Meteorologist (WCM) ...BEFORE SEPT. 20..... .....AFTER SEPT. 20...... Portland International Jetport 1 Weather Lane 4 Al McKay Avenue Gray, Maine 04039 Portland, Maine 04102 207-688-3216 207-773-0352 Margaret M. Nordberg (MIC) Randall Ravasio (Official-in-Charge) Municipal Airport Municipal Airport 65 Airport Road 664 Main Street Concord, NH 03301 Caribou, Maine 04736 603-228-1997 207-496-8931 END NNNN?ZCZC WSHPNSWSH ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 300 PM EDT FRI AUG 26 1994 TO: NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) OFFICES, FAMILY OF SERVICES (FOS) SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE (NWWS) SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NWS PRODUCT USERS FROM: DONALD WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH SUBJECT: BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE'S SHORT-FUSE COUNTY WARNING AREA EXPANDS (THIRD PHASE)... EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1, 1994 Effective Tuesday, November 1, 1994 at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, the National Weather Service (NWS) will transfer short-fuse warning responsibility for two counties in New Hampshire (Table 1) TO the Taunton/Boston (BOS), Massachusetts Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) FROM the Weather Service Office (WSO) in Concord (CON), New Hampshire. For these counties, WSFO BOS will issue short-fuse warning products (Table 2) and related products that give followup information on the warnings (Table 3). For holders of NWS Operations Manual Chapter C-47, County Warning Areas, this transfer is the 39th update of 1994. Because of this county warning transfer, subscribers to the NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) and the Family of Services (FOS) must take appropriate action to receive the short-fuse warnings and related products for these two counties using the BOS identifier (Tables 2 and 3) instead of the CON identifier. (For example, if you have been receiving severe thunderstorm warnings using the product identifier PWMSVRCON, you will have to change the product identifier to BOSSVRBOS). The Universal Generic Codes (UGC), however, will remain unchanged (as shown in Table 1). Table 1. County UGC ZONE UGC COUNTY From To code code Cheshire NHZ011- NHC005- CON BOS Hillsborough NHZ012- NHC011- CON BOS Table 2. The following are short-fuse warning products for the two counties transferred to BOS. UGC county codes are used in these products. Warning product for: AFOS/NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Tornadoes BOSTORBOS WFUS1 KBOS Severe thunderstorms BOSSVRBOS WUUS1 KBOS Flash floods BOSFFWBOS WRUS1 KBOS Table 3. The following are key related products for the two counties transferred to BOS. UGC zone codes are used in these products. Related products AFOS/NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Special weather statement BOSSPSBOS WWUS35 KBOS Severe weather statement BOSSVSBOS WWUS34 KBOS Civil emergency message BOSCEMBOS MMUS40 KBOS Public info. statement BOSPNSBOS ABUS34 KBOS * Winter weather warnings BOSWSWBOS WWUS46 KBOS * Non-precipitation warnings BOSNPWBOS WWUS45 KBOS Short-term forecast BOSNOWBOS FXUS21 KBOS Flash flood statement BOSFFSBOS RWUS32 KBOS Local storm report BOSLSRBOS WWUS30 KBOS * Used only for emergency backup to WSFO Portland (PWM), Maine. WSFO PWM will continue to issue the following products for longer fuse events affecting these two counties. products AFOS/NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Special weather statement PWMSPSPWM WWUS35 KPWM Severe weather statement PWMSVSPWM WWUS34 KPWM Civil emergency message PWMCEMPWM MMUS40 KPWM Public info. statement PWMPNSPWM ABUS34 KPWM Winter weather warnings PWMWSWPWM WWUS46 KPWM Non-precipitation warnings PWMNPWPWM WWUS45 KPWM If you have further questions, you may contact the following: Robert Thompson (Meteorologist-in-Charge) or Glenn Field (Warning Coordination Meteorologist) Weather Forecast Office 445 Myles Standish Blvd Taunton, MA 02780 508-823-1900/1983 Margaret M. Nordberg (Meteorologist-in-Charge) National Weather Service Office Municipal Airport 65 Airport Road Concord, NH 03301 603-228-1997