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TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT 230 PM EDT WED SEP 7 1994 ATTENTION: ALL NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) OFFICES, FAMILY OF SERVICES SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NWS PRODUCT USERS SUBJECT: WSR-57 Decommissioning Notice - Garden City, Kansas ***** DECOMMISSIONING NOTICE ***** With the Doppler, Weather Surveillance Radar, (WSR-88D) commissioned by the National Weather Service (NWS) at Dodge City, Kansas, users notified, and services confirmed, the major criteria for decommissioning the WSR-57 at Garden City, Kansas, (call letters GCK) have been completed. As a result, this radar has been decommissioned officially as of September 1, 1994. Decommissioning means that this radar is no longer issuing products, such as the Radar Observation (ROB) message, in an official capacity. Persons wishing more information concerning the current radar network should contact their local National Weather Service office or call (301) 713-0722. TO: ALL USERS OF NWS UPPER AIR DATA FROM: RICHARD PRZYWARTY ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: UPPER AIR STATION MOVE FROM WSCMO GREAT FALL, MT TO WSFO GREAT FALLS, MT Effective September 14, 1994, at 1200 UTC, the upper air program at Weather Service Contract Meteorological Observatory (WSCMO) Great Falls, MT (location identifier GTF) will begin moving to Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) Great Falls, MT (location identifier TFX). The last upper-air observation from WSCMO GTF will be taken at 1200 UTC on September 14, 1994. The first upper-air observation from WSFO TFX will be taken at 1200 UTC on September 15, 1994. In conjunction with this move, the product identifier (XXX) will change from GTF to TFX. For AFOS users, the node (CCC) for these products will remain GTF. The block and station id will change from 72775 to 72776, and the WBAN number will change from 24143 to 04102. WSFO Great Falls, MT (TFX), STATION INFORMATION: BLOCK AND STATION ID: 72776 WBAN NUMBER: 04102 ELEVATION: 3709 FEET (1130.1 METERS) LAT/LON: 47.4 DEG NORTH (47 DEG 27 MIN 38 SEC) 111.3 DEG WEST (111 DEG 23 MIN 04 SEC) OLD PRODUCT IDENTIFIERS: NEW PRODUCT IDENTIFIERS: AFOS (WMO HEADER) AFOS (WMO HEADER) GTFABVGTF (UJUS82 KWBC) GTFABVTFX (UJUS82 KWBC) GTFSGLGTF (UJUS81 KWBC) GTFSGLTFX (UJUS81 KWBC) GTFMANGTF (USUS80 KWBC) GTFMANTFX (USUS80 KWBC) GTFFZLGTF (UXUS99 KWBC) GTFFZLTFX (UXUS99 KWBC) NOTE TO AFOS USERS: The AFOS Change Notice for this change will be transmitted in a few days. For more information, please contact Marty Baron at 301-713-1724. END _____________________ NNNN?ZCZC WSHPNSNMC ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-40 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 340 PM EDT WED SEP 7 1994 TO: ALL USERS OF NWS UPPER AIR DATA FROM: RICHARD PRZYWARTY ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: UPPER AIR STATION MOVE FROM PORTLAND, ME TO GRAY, ME Effective September 21, 1994, at 1200 UTC, the upper air program at NEXRAD Weather Service Forecast Office (NWSFO) Portland, ME (location identifier PWM) will begin moving to NEXRAD Weather Service Office (NWSO) Gray, ME (location identifier GYX). The last upper-air observation from NWSFO PWM will be taken at 1200 UTC on September 21, 1994. The first upper-air observation from NWSO GYX will be taken at 1200 UTC on September 22, 1994. In conjunction with this move, the product identifier (XXX) will change from PWM to GYX. For AFOS users, the node (CCC) for these products will remain PWM. The block and station id will change from 72606 to 74389, and the WBAN number will change from 14764 to 54762. GRAY, MAINE (GYX), STATION INFORMATION: BLOCK AND STATION ID: 74389 WBAN NUMBER: 54762 ELEVATION: 409 FEET (124.7 METERS) LAT/LON: 43.9 DEG NORTH (43 DEG 53 MIN 33 SEC) 70.2 DEG WEST (70 DEG 15 MIN 28 SEC) OLD PRODUCT IDENTIFIERS: NEW PRODUCT IDENTIFIERS: AFOS (WMO HEADER) AFOS (WMO HEADER) PWMABVPWM (UJUS82 KWBC) PWMABVGYX (UJUS82 KWBC) PWMSGLPWM (UJUS81 KWBC) PWMSGLGYX (UJUS81 KWBC) PWMMANPWM (USUS80 KWBC) PWMMANGYX (USUS80 KWBC) PWMFZLPWM (UXUS99 KWBC) PWMFZLGYX (UXUS99 KWBC) NOTE TO AFOS USERS: The AFOS Change Notice for this change will be transmitted in a few days. For more information, please contact Marty Baron at 301-713-1724. END Linda Miller External Programs Coordinator Telephone: (303) 497-8646 UCAR/Unidata Program Center Fax: (303) 497-8690 P.O. Box 3000 E-mail: lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Boulder, CO 80307-3000