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200 PM EDT WED OCT 12 1994 TO: ALL NWS OFFICES DOMESTIC DATA SERVICE FROM: FRED ZBAR ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: IMPLEMENTATION OF NEW OCEAN WAVE GUIDANCE (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY H. S. CHEN OF THE MARINE PREDICTION BRANCH OF THE NATIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTER) On October 12, 1994 at 1200 UTC a new ocean wave model (NOAA/WAM) will be implemented. The new ocean wave guidance will incorporate the changes in bulletins and graphics that have been implemented since TPB No. 388 came out. More importantly the second generation wave model (NOW Model) which was used to compute the wave spectra will be replaced by a third generation model (NOAA/WAM) which explicitly computes nonlinear wave-wave interactions and places no artificial limitations on wave growth or decay. The bulletins and graphics of the new guidance follow the same formats shown in TPB No. 388, Except for the following differences: - (1) The new wave frequency (period) values and their corresponding bandwidths are different from those in TPB No. 388. The number of new wave frequencies produced by the model is 25 compared with 15 for the NOW model, but the new frequencies have been combined to give only 15 values, so the bulletin sizes will remain about the same. (2) In the new guidance, the mean wave direction and mean wave period are used, rather than the wave direction of the dominant wave and the period of the peak frequency in the wave spectrum. This is because these parameters are more stable and are closer to what an observer reports than those used previously. - (3) There are fewer alphanumeric bulletins in the 1200 UTC cycle than the 0000 UTC cycle because of limitations on AFOS and agreements reached between the NWS Eastern and Western Regional Headquarters and the NWS National Headquarters. The ocean wave guidance will continue to be generated twice daily based on the 0000 and 1200 UTC cycles of the Aviation model, but using data supplied by the NOAA ocean wave model (NOAA/WAM). Technical Procedures Bulletin No. 388 is now operationally obsolete and will be superseded by a new Technical Procedures Bulletin currently being reviewed. If you need further information about the technical aspects of the new ocean wave model, please call Dr. Hsuan Chen of the Marine Prediction Branch of the National Meteorological Center at (301)-763-8133.