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ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 200 PM EST THU DEC 29 1994 TO: ALL NWS OFFICES AND NWS EMPLOYEES FROM: JAMES P. TRAVERS, CHIEF, OPERATIONS DIVISION, OFFICE OF METEOROLOGY SUBJECT: PRODUCT IDENTIFIERS FOR NEW CLIMATE OUTLOOKS This is an advanced ("heads up") notice of new AFOS product identifiers for the new Climate Outlook program. The Office of Systems Operations (OSO) will make the official announcement in the first week of Jnauary (using SMCADADRG), but since we have the information, we are providing it to you now to allow extra time to configure your AFOS data bases. ...PLEASE ADD THE FOLLOWING OUTLOOK PRODUCTS... (These outlook products will be sent once a month, around mid month, beginning Jan. 17, 1995. Issue time is around 3 p.m.) NMCPMDHCO - Hawaiian Outlook/Climatological Bulletin NMCGPHSST - Graph of time series of observations and the outlook of the Seasonal Mean Tropical Pacific Sea Surface temperature SEASONAL OUTLOOK GRAPHICS FOR THE CONUS AND ALASKA - These use the North American map background (B02). Lead time AFOS Graphics Lead time AFOS Graphics (months) temp. precip. (months) temp. precip. 0.5 NMCGPHLTA NMCGPHLPA 7.5 NMCGPHLTH NMCGPHLPH 1.5 NMCGPHLTB NMCGPHLPB 8.5 NMCGPHLTI NMCGPHLPI 2.5 NMCGPHLTC NMCGPHLPC 9.5 NMCGPHLTJ NMCGPHLPJ 3.5 NMCGPHLTD NMCGPHLPD 10.5 NMCGPHLTK NMCGPHLPK 4.5 NMCGPHLTE NMCGPHLPE 11.5 NMCGPHLTL NMCGPHLPL 5.5 NMCGPHLTF NMCGPHLPF 12.5 NMCGPHLTM NMCGPHLPM 6.5 NMCGPHLTG NMCGPHLPG ...PLEASE ADD THESE CLIMATOLOGICAL REFERENCE PRODUCTS ALSO... These climatological reference products will be sent once a month, about one week BEFORE the outlook products are sent. NOTE: only one version of each climatological reference product is needed. For systemic reasons, ALL climatological reference products have to be resent once a month. MONTHLY CLIMATOLOGICAL REFERENCE MATERIAL (ALPHANUMERIC BULLETINS): MONTH AFOS ID MONTH AFOS ID January NMCREFMNA July NMCREFMNG February NMCREFMNB August NMCREFMNH March NMCREFMNC September NMCGPHMNI April NMCREFMND October NMCGPHMNJ May NMCREFMNE November NMCREFMNK June NMCREFMNF December NMCGPHMNL NOTE: OSO is still in the process of assigning WMO headers to these alphanumeric bulletins for the Family of Services users. We will provide the WMO headers to those users when they become available. SEASONAL CLIMATIC REFERENCE MATERIAL: AFOS GRAPHIC SEASONAL CLIMATE REFERENCE INFORMATION (Use North American map background, B02). 90-Day Temperature Seasonal precipitation amounts such seasonal (Mean and Standard that the climatological percentage period Deviation) of seasonal totals are below: 33% 50% (median) 67% Jan.-Mar. NMCGPHMTA NMCGPH33A NMCGPHMPA NMCGPH67A Feb.-Apr. NMCGPHMTB NMCGPH33B NMCGPHMPB NMCGPH67B Mar.-May NMCGPHMTC NMCGPH33C NMCGPHMPC NMCGPH67C Apr.-Jun. NMCGPHMTD NMCGPH33D NMCGPHMPD NMCGPH67D May -Jul. NMCGPHMTE NMCGPH33E NMCGPHMPE NMCGPH67E Jun.-Aug. NMCGPHMTF NMCGPH33F NMCGPHMPF NMCGPH67F Jul.-Sep. NMCGPHMTG NMCGPH33G NMCGPHMPG NMCGPH67G Aug.-Oct. NMCGPHMTH NMCGPH33H NMCGPHMPH NMCGPH67H Sep.-Nov. NMCGPHMTI NMCGPH33I NMCGPHMPI NMCGPH67I Oct.-Dec. NMCGPHMTJ NMCGPH33J NMCGPHMPJ NMCGPH67J Nov.-Jan. NMCGPHMTK NMCGPH33K NMCGPHMPK NMCGPH67K Dec.-Feb. NMCGPHMTL NMCGPH33L NMCGPHMPL NMCGPH67L TABULAR SEASONAL CLIMATE INFORMATION (ALPHANUMERIC BULLETINS) Period AFOS ID Period AFOS ID Jan.-Mar. NMCREFSNA Jul.-Sep. NMCGPHSNG Feb.-Apr. NMCREFSNB Aug.-Oct. NMCGPHSNH Mar.-May NMCREFSNC Sep.-Nov. NMCGPHSNI Apr.-Jun. NMCREFSND Oct.-Dec. NMCGPHSNJ May.-Jul. NMCREFSNE Nov.-Jan. NMCGPHSNK Jun.-Aug. NMCGPHSNF Dec.-Feb. NMCGPHSNL NOTE: OSO is still in the process of assigning WMO headers to these alphanumeric bulletins for the Family of Services users. We will provide the WMO headers to those users when they become available. ...PLEASE DELETE THESE PRODUCTS... NMC30NNA NMC90NUS NMCGPH99T NMCGPH99P ...OTHER INFORMATION IN CASE YOU GET QUESTIONS FROM DIFAX USERS... We have been given more DIFAX slots (slots D292 through D298). This will allow us to send all 28 outlook graphics (monthly and seasonal) on DIFAX the same day. Each slot will have a 4-panel display. These will also be placed in Alaska Facsimile (AKFAX). END NNNN